Thursday, October 31, 2019
Recording music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Recording music - Essay Example Technology has today simplified the work in the music industry. It is easier for a producer to produce high-quality music without the use of instruments. Music producers in most cases are competent composers or songwriters who can constantly inject new ideas into a project (Landy, 2013). He or she will often select and suggest to the mixing engineer what to record, edits and modifies the songs with software tools. This creates a stereo of all the artists’ voices and instruments to produce a high-quality soundtrack. The composers must be, therefore, communicative and meaningful in their music. She talked about Nyman’s process music, an audible or concealed process to the listeners. This is a very dynamic and highly complex process that involves audible structures in musical performance. The chance determination limits the composer’s powers in determining the materiality. This means that one can take an idea, put it through the process and wait for the outcome, which the ideas will generate by itself (Nyman, 2000). The process gives the performers a chance to move through the suggested or given material at their speed, useful for the in-depth understanding of the whole idea.It also helps in the detailed understanding of what was not understood during the first listening thus making recording more relevant. The presenter also encouraged the use of technology to capture or record musical ideas with an aim of repeated listening to manipulate, recreate, recycle and cannibalize these ideas in order to produce quality stereo.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Answers to Prompt Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Answers to Prompt Questions - Essay Example However, the idea of Plato that knowledge is inclined more on the non-sensible Forms contradicts his own metaphysical claim that Forms would depend upon the interpretation of the philosopher’s works. According to Irwin (154), Plato’s epistemological claim states that â€Å"these Forms are inaccessible to the senses.†While Plato expressed that his metaphysical claim is â€Å"the Form of F has properties that no sensible F can have.†However, according to Silverman, epistemology is about the acquisition of knowledge and what knowledge is (Silverman). On the other hand, metaphysics is anything which can be thought and said to be. One cannot fully endorse Plato’s theory of Forms as there are difference in interpretations and opinions of the said work. Not all knowledge is being considered as knowledge by the philosopher. It is only those people who have philosophical thoughts or the non-sensible ideas which are being considered as knowledgeable. This p roposition does not apply to those who are exerting more on their physical capabilities. Acquiring skills can still be considered as knowledgeable by other people or group of thinkers, but not Plato. The idea quite discriminate skill workers which are very much part of the society especially with regards to the economic and workforce aspect. Though what the skilled are doing is sensible, their actions are still knowledge because they are thinking what to do next on a systematic manner. In this aspect, the famous line â€Å"I think, therefore I am†by Rene Descartes can come into context (Irwin, 148-55; Silverman; Russell, 516). Plato makes people seem that knowledge is unachievable which is contradicted by Descartes. According to the latter, there is no perfect knowledge. If the idea proposed by Descartes would be considered, one can be considered knowledgeable without the need to measure up to forms or criterions. Descartes may not have proven to everyone the existence of Go d; however, he had proclaimed its existence in his works. The author stated that the knowledge which a person acquires is from a supreme being, which is God. This is supported by the statement: But after I have discovered that God exists, seeing I also at the same time observed that all things depend on him, that he is no deceiver, and thence inferred that all which I clearly and distinctly perceive is of necessity true: although I no longer attend to the grounds of a judgment, no opposite reason can be alleged sufficient to lead me to doubt of its truth, provided only I remember that I once possessed a clear and distinct comprehension of it. (Descartes & Veitch, 109) There might be no concrete evidence to prove the existence of God. Nevertheless, knowing within the self that a supreme being exists is enough to convince the self and preach about its existence or truthfulness to others. Though there is neither a concrete fact nor a distinct indication of God’s existence, Desca rtes proposed his readers to meditate and reach within the self to be freed from the doubt that is covering them from recognizing the presence of a higher power. In most if not all of the writings attributed to Descartes, there is always an indication towards the existence and acknowledgement to the things created and attributed to the power and creation of God as the Supreme Being and higher power (Russell, 515-20; Descartes & Veitch, 103-10). There will always be people who would be skeptic upon the idea of God’
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Problems with air pollution in Manila
Problems with air pollution in Manila In Manila there are a lot of problems with air pollution, hygiene practices and the lack of good sanitation. These are the most important hygiene and health related risks in the Philippines. One-sixth of all deaths in the Philippines and approximately 6,000 premature deaths a year are because of hygiene, water-borne diseases and poor sanitation conditions. Diarrhea is the most common water-borne disease, then intestinal worms, typhoid, and cholera. These diseases are very common because more than 25 million Filipinos do not have a basic access to sanitation and more than 13 million do not have proper water resources. Thanks to the water pollution the costs increases, which led to more than 6.7 billion in 2006. Air pollution makes this even worse, and therefore it is another big issue. The most common diseases are chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and cardiovascular diseases. And this is not going away soon, the city has a lot of factors which increases this. Like the smoke the vehicles leave behind, but also something small like tobacco smoke. The people who clean the city, which are more than 18 million people, are the biggest victims of this air pollution All the costs of treatment and lost income, due to air pollution, is more than 7.6 billion per year. Although there have been some improvements in alleviating diseases from the lack of hygiene and air pollution, which is thanks the governments more pro-active attempt for the environmental role in health, it is still a major problem. There should be more easy-to-access information on different methods and also more improvements in health infrastructure, such as good sanitation facilities and a healthy water resource to prevent health risks from water pollution. The government is now busy with discouraging people to use vehicles with high smoke emissions. Which is a big factor in air pollutions Quick Facts 2005 Population growth (annual %) 1.87 Population, total (millions) 85.50 Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71.05 Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) 27.50 GNI (current US$) (millions) 98535 GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) 1160.0 Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) . These are the Ten Leading Causes of Illness in the Philippines 1. Acute Lower RTI and Pneumonia 2. Bronchitis/ Bronchiolitis 3. Acute Watery Diarrhea. Influenza 5. Hypertension 6. TB Respiratory 7. Pneumonia 8. Diseases of the Heart 9. Malaria 10.Dengue Fever The most common diseases: degree of risk: high food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever vectorborne diseases: dengue fever, malaria, and Japanese encephalitis water contact disease: leptospirosis Of these diseases almost all of them are caused by the hygiene. Habitat A lot of conflicts are also because of their habitat, and what they are seen like. Because people cannot get easy higher up. The biggest one and the most known one is the Payatas The poorest families live on the Filipinos and collect trash of the dump. One of the dump places is Payatas, on the edge of Manilla. Where 4500 ton waste is dumped every day. More than 30.000 people, also children, live on this dump. Through day and night trucks are coming in and out with lots of garbage. This garbage consists of (operation) waste, from hospitals. It is not difficult to conclude that a lot of people get sick because of all the bacteria and germs that are produced by the garbage. Because of all the garbage that is dumped, the hill keeps getting bigger and bigger. This happens through the chemical processes who are caused by the scalding and joining together of substances. Around the dump there is a big haze which you can see on a very large distance. For most of the inhabitants of the Payates there is no other option than to work on the dump. More than 400 families collect garbage to support their family. Children from already a young age help with collection plastic, empty cans and other stuff which helps to produce some money. In short Payatas means a big hill with stinking garbage and a source for the incomes of hundreds of families Sanitation More than 2.6 billion people in the world have one thing in common, which is; they do not have good access to basic sanitation. Worldwide, there are about 1.7 million deaths a year, with 90% of them being children, who died mainly through infectious diarrhea. Which was caused by unsafe water, poor sanitation and hygiene. 1.5 million children a year could be saved by access to sanitation, good hygiene and a safe water supply A good sanitation will reduce children illnesses and so increase primary school enrolment, because children will not miss as much as used to be. Also it will increase the productivity among adults, it will provide more safety for women and also reduce the pollution of water resources. Fortunately it is increasing, in only 14 years more than 1 billion people have received access to sanitation. Sanitation and wastewater commitments have effectively tripled since 1990 and after that nearly doubled since 2002. Less than half of the Latin American countries are on track to double the rate of sanitation provision. Poor sanitation is responsible for at least 9 billion in losses per year in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam combined. Sanitation is a neglected aspect of development in countries, the money going to this is minor. If you look to the economic impacts of poor sanitation, and the potential gains from improved sanitation, than the investments in sanitation should be very helpful for everyone The most disastrous impact of poor sanitation is an increased risk of infectious diseases and premature death, declaring for more than 4.8 billion annually. Poor sanitation also contributes enormously to water pollution, adding to the costs of safe freshwater for homes, and increasing the production of fish in lakes and rivers. Garbage and streets Garbage is a big problem for the communities in Manila. In the past years, Smokey Mountain, once a smoking mountain of garbage, which was Manilas monument to one of the citys most continuously problems; trash. But through years of effort, Smokey Mountain has been increased to a big hill. Still the problem goes on: What to do with the amount of garbage produced by more than 10 million residents of Manila every. In Dagat-Dagatan, Navotas, a group of women has taken the matter, of the communitys garbage, into their own hands through the Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Program (MEIP). The MEIP is a regional program for Asia with the costs provided by the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank as collaboration partner. Through the funding received by the local Dagat-Dagatan Polymedic Medical Foundation, the women of the Dagat-Dagatan community established a community centre; the Zero Kalat sa Kaunlaran (Zero Waste for Progress), which is turning the garbage of their neighbourhoods into cash and opportunity. To eliminate the extausion of diseases, the foundation launched a program within the community to spread ecological waste management, set up a recycling system and a redemption centre, and continue with the maintenance of sanitation and hygiene in every household. The women, who are called volunteers but are actually members of a co-op. They first collect all the garbage, then sort it out at the community centre, and recycle almost all of it. Their recycling efforts take many forms. Some of the refuse is used in woven baskets and handbags, which the women sell for profit. But also some is sold to scrap metal dealers and to companies that recycle plastics and corrugated cardboard. The effort is actually more than a business for these women. They come together in the morning and exercise before starting the work of that day. They chat as they wash the water bottles and chat when they are on their way to the recycler. They have planted flowers and grass around the community and next year they will begin composting the scraps and clippings they collect to produce another marketable product. A women had admitted that this centre has changed her life. I was fascinated to see how the women managed to make money out of what people throw away, said Mats Karlsson, World Bank vice president for External Affairs and UN Affairs, who was visiting the women at the redemption centre. Karlsson, who was in the Philippines for the current Manila Social Forum, took some time visiting nearby projects. I was especially impressed by their motto: Kung hindi tayo, sino? which means in english, If not us, then who?' Drinking water Bottled water has established a major foothold in the Philippines. In some places, there are no piped-water systems; in others, people are not sure about biological contaminants, taste, odor, and the disinfection by-products from the chlorination process. Even in the Manila, only about 75% of the population receives piped water from the municipal authority. Outside Manila even fewer people have access to healthy water distribution. In both locations, these people must find alternative water sources if they want to avoid cholera epidemics and other health problems caused by the only water that is available in their neighborhoods. There is already a solution appearing, and now happening in thousands of water refilling. The shops began as private community sources, where consumers went with their containers to fill them up for a per-gallon fee, which was a small part of commercially bottled water costs. Most stores deliver home for regular customers nowadays. Most of those shops produce between 3,000 and 12,000 liters of water per day. Everything of the supply comes from the pipes of municipal concessionaires. The executives invests in treatment equipment and further purify their product before they sale it. Other shops are likely supplied by unauthorized or illegal diggings. A production of these private sources could have damaging effects on the groundwater reserves and will lead to contamination. The government has accepted private water shops, because of the increasing of waterborne diseases, but they do monitor their quality control practices and final product as much as they can. However, it is difficult to continuously keep an eye on the entire industry, given the large number of shops. Although many people in the Philippines benefit from the availability of water shops, the system does not really account the long-term water delivery and sanitation infrastructure improvements, which are necessary to provide reliable water to everyone. A lot of people do not live near a source of water. Distribution systems take the water from a source and deliver it to people who use it. They use different distribution systems which are depending on the needs of the people and the amount of infrastructure available. All of these systems have a risk of contaminating water when it is not handled properly. Every system has a cost involved to bring safe and reliable water to people. HouseholdpService In the larger cities of the world, it is standard that there is water pumped from a natural source, which is treated in a water treatment plant, stored for use in water storage tanks and then piped directly into every household. The cost of household service, which is the delivery, treatment for this water, but also the upkeep of this system is usually paid by its consumers. If the infrastructure is not maintained good, household service can become unreliable and result as possibly unsafe. WaterjSupply by Vehicle In a lot of areas, the plumbing in households is unreliable or non-existent. In these areas other distribution systems are developing. For instance in the Mexico City are, more than 2 million people live to far from piped distribution systems. For these people, water trucks transport water from the piped distribution systems directly to their home. Those water trucks can also be used to combat when there is natural disaster or a temporary water crises caused by war. BottledlWater and Water Refilling Stations Bottled water or water refilling stations are used in many areas where people have no access to clean water. In the Philippines, clean water is sold at water refilling stations throughout the whole country. At these stations, consumers may bring their own containers with them, to carry the water back home. The poor are the ones that are the most depending on vehicle delivery, bottled water, and water refilling stations. Unfortunately, the poor also need to pay the highest price for the water that is being delivered by such methods. CentrallCommunity Source In the rural areas almost no household infrastructure exists, so the communities dig wells and bore holes, and then they can pump groundwater to a central location in the community. From these central community sources, consumers collect water themselves and bring it back home for treatment and then use. In rural Niger, solar pumps and hand pumps were installed by the international aid organizations at central locations within villages. These pumps provide easier access to clean water without having to dig up water from traditional wells. These water stations are used by the community and also, in most cases, maintained and controlled by the community. Individual WaterlTransport Most people, especially in the rural areas of developing countries, have to walk to a lake, river, or other water sources and put the water in containers. This water is brought back home and, but needs treatment before use. In comparison to other methods, this distribution system is the simplest solution . But it does involves costs. Water gatherers, women and children are spending hours each day being busy with this basic chore. This responsibility leaves them to little time for good schooling, earning any income, crowing food, or any other things that will help them live without poverty. It does not matter on which location the distribution systems are they need to have some form of infrastructure that must be maintained to keep the water safe and healthy. And while all distribution systems involve costs, somelcosts can be more expensive than others. STIs What is a STI? STI is the abbreviation of sexually transmitted infection. STIs are contagious, and it is possible an infected person has not noticed yet before passing the infection on to its sexual partner without noticing. Luckily, serious consequences can be prevented when the victim is treated in time. Some examples of STIs are HIV (the virus that can cause AIDS), chlamydia, genital warts, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. STIs can be transmitted through infected sperm and vaginal fluid. Second, people can also get an STI through infected blood, for example due to unhygienic tattooing and piercing, unhygienic needles etc. with using drugs, and babies can be infected during the pregnancy or birth. Third, STIs can be transmitted due to the contact between mucous membranes (in the rectum, penis, vagina, and mouth). And last, and probably best known, unprotected sex is dangerous because of an easy transmission of STIs. There are some myths about the transmission of STIs. So lets get rid of them forever. STIs cannot be transmitted through drinking out of another persons cup, someones cough, insect bites, a dirty toilet seat, and in a swimming pool. HIV/AIDS Since the start of 2009 every month approximately 60 Filipinos are diagnosed as an HIV positive. But this rose sharply to 126 cases in December. If this will not stop, the number will increase rapidly. And in three years the number of people in the Philippines with HIV/AIDS will be 30,000. In January 2010 143 people were diagnosed with HIV in the Philippines. This was the highest number reported since the disease first appeared in the country, in 1984. Most of the cases in January were males, who were infected by sexual contact with men. Since 1984 the Philippines has had 4,424 cases of HIV reported, of these cases 832 have been developed into full-blown AIDS and 314 deaths had been reported. Also among children the HIV infection is increasing as never before. The infection among 15-24 year old Filipinos has increased with five times, from 41 in 2007 to 218.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Alfred Hitchcocks Movie, Psycho and its Impact on the Film Industry Es
Alfred Hitchcock's Movie, Psycho and its Impact on the Film Industry The 1960's marked a big change in American cinema. With the collapse of the Hollywood Studio System came a weakening of censorship laws; sex and violence moved from obscurity to the forefront of mainstream cinema (Nowell-Smith 464). Although it quickly became clear that a market existed for such films, the earliest attempts to foray into the world of modern cinema were met with ambivalence. Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, made in 1960, was one of the first of many to depict sexuality and violence in a graphic manner (Nowell-Smith 491). Although the youth market was ready for such a change, the older audience resisted the modern trends. For this reason, Psycho was initially received by many with anger and critical rejection, before moving on to be named "Hitchcock's greatest film" (Phillips 164). Psycho, produced by Universal Studios and released through Paramount (Rebello 51), contained a frank depiction of sex and violence "unlike any mainstream film that had preceded it" (Williams 1); the film included the first love scene in American popular cinema ever to feature a pair of lovers lying half-naked on a bed (Rebello 86). And not only did Psycho depict two brutal murders, but the first occurred in the intimacy of the shower. As a result, Hitchcock had to fight to make the film as close to his vision as possible and find ways to work around censorship laws. When the censors demanded he re-edit the shower scene on account of a fleeting glimpse of Janet Leigh's breast, Hitchcock simply sent back the original cut on the (correct) assumption that they either would not re-screen it or would fail to see the barely noticeable nudity the second time around (Rebello 1... ... the American popular film...midway between the repressive manners of the classic Hollywood studio era (Janet Leigh wears a bra) and the Ãâ€liberated' ethos of the R-rated contemporary film (Janet Leigh is shown in bed with a man at midday)" (Naremore 75). Although some viewers and critics responded negatively to Psycho, their appraisal changed once they had time to reassess the value of the film. Nearly forty years after the film's release, Psycho is still cited as a masterpiece which has inspired many dozens of other films such as Dressed to Kill (1980) and Fatal Attraction (1987) (Nowell-Smith 491), and is used as "a yardstick by which other thrillers are measured" (Rebello 194). "The effect both in the short run, in establishing Psycho as the ultimate thriller, and the long run, in altering the cinema-going habits of the nation, is indisputable" (Clover 191).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Feasibility Study For Bookstore
a. Marketing philosophy with target awareness b. Market Analysis1. Target MarketThe main target markets of Bookworm Company are the student of every school here in Aklan. That every books that they looking for are in the Bookworm. The bookworm provides the most effective needs of student while they seeking their books.a. DemographicsWe can divide our target market according to age, occupation, civil status, nationality, and gender.b. PsychographicsThe Bookworm focuses on interests of customer, their activities, and also the opinions of every customer so that were going to conduct a marketing survey for our target market. It focuses the attitudes, personality formation, and cultural touchstones.c. Niche MarketsThe bookworm company determine the target audience and find what the customer wants. The bookworm sells retail book items for the consumer.2. Competition 3. Market Trendsa. Product Life cycleWe introduce our company by launch our product. We make advertising to radio and televis ion so that the customer can know that there is an opening of book store here in Kalibo, Aklan. The bookworm company make a promotion to make consumers aware that the product is now available on the market and what its purposes. Market Growth Demand begins to accelerate and the size of the total market expands rapidly. Maturity demand is the level of Bookworm when the customer are not satisfied and they replacement and new family formation rate and finally the product goes into decline as sales fall.b. Type of consumer goodsMarket Strategy -Method of Sales & Distribution – Packaging When it comes in packaging the Bookworm Company use papers bagsbecause as of now using plastic materials is not good to our environment. Using paper bags as a material is very environmental friendly and we can reuse it. We attached our company logo and tag line into paper bags so that the costumer will know and to advertise also our products. -Pricing– Branding -Database marketing â€⠀œ Sales Strategy – Sales Incentive or PromotionThe Bookworm use a strategy like Sales promotion, advertising, and salesmanship because this three are the major techniques used in merchandising products to the public. In Salesmanship the company need to know the customer face-to-face so that the seller convinces the customer that the books on sale are essential to their satisfaction. The bookworms use the sales promotion strategy to persuade the consumer and customer to purchase immediately by providing special incentives such as discount items, promo sale and freebies.– Advertising Strategy – Public Relation – Networking
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Oppressive Qualities of Society
The Oppressive Qualities of Society Society’s oppressive nature greatly affects the lives of the people within it, and the expectations society sets for its citizens drive people to strive for acceptance from their peers. In â€Å"A Respectable Woman,†Mrs. Baroda, a young wife, who tries diligently to welcome her husband’s friend Gouvernail into their society, becomes enthralled with him, facing temptation that would be viewed with trepidation.Similarly, in â€Å"A Shameful Affair,†Mildred, a repressed young woman, enticed by a farmhand, faces temptation and forced to fight her personal desires because of society’s restriction based on class hierarchy. In â€Å"The Kiss,†a woman sets aside her personal desire for the image she believes society desires the most in a marriage. In her short stories, Kate Chopin illustrates contrasting imagery and intense and tempting diction to convey that society dictates people’s decisions because pe ople worry about their portrayal in society and are forced to concede their personal desires.Society’s expectations tend to reflect an ideal role, and because of this expectation society’s restrictions bind people because of their fear of an unjust portrayal in it. Society expects women to act as loving and caring mothers devoted to their children while their husband. For example, â€Å"A Respectable Woman,†when Mrs. Baroda welcomes her husband’s friend Gouvernail, she â€Å"imposed her society upon him . . . she persistently sought to penetrate the reserve in which he had unconsciously enveloped himself†(213).Chopin’s use of intense diction such as â€Å"imposed†which denotes a forcibly placed restriction, and â€Å"persistently†which denotes a tenacious behavior despite of initial opposition, suggests society’s strict expectation for woman to gracefully welcome others in their society by imposing those expected ide als on other people. Mrs. Borada’s diligence in welcoming Gouvernail becomes an infatuation when she becomes entranced by his stoic behavior towards her. The heavily stressed importance society places on material objects transferred to the expectations women believe they should strive to.For example, Nathalie coerces Brantain to become her fiance despite her desire for another, because he â€Å"was enormously rich; and she liked . . . the entourage which wealth could give her†(225). Chopin’s use of intense diction such as â€Å"enormous,†which has a denotation of grand, suggests the importance of material objects in society. She reveals how the desire for material objects taints the view of marriage, because of how the status that accompanies them is easily accepted in this materialistic society. These expectations that society sets forth tend to dictate the decisions of women.People’s choices depend on what is acceptable because individuals rema in more concerned with the image they portray to society than their personal desires. For example, when Gouvernail goes outside to bring Mrs. Baroda a sweater, she feels drawn to him, but â€Å"the stronger the impulse grew to bring herself near him the further . . . did she draw away†(215). Chopin’s use of passionate diction such as â€Å"impulse,†which contains a denotation of a strong urge, conveys the inner conflict that arises when a woman’s personal desire clashes with what she believes is right according to society.In contrast, when Mildred is fishing with the farmhand, â€Å"his brown hand came down upon Mildred’s white one,†(165). Chopin illustrates the differences between Mildred and the farmhand, with Mildred’s â€Å"white one†conveying that she is pure and innocent, while the farmhand’s remains roughened and tanned by the labor he is forced to perform due to his role in society. Furthermore, Mildredâ€⠄¢s withdrawal from something she clearly desires shows how she is forced to choose her image in society over he own desires. Women in society must ignore their impulses because harsh and unfair consequences await them if they do not conform.Lastly, despite the suppression of women’s desires, they are still forced to face consequences for their tempting thoughts. For example, after the farmhand kissed Mildred she realizes that â€Å"the secret must remain her own, a hateful burden to bear alone†(166). Chopin’s use of harsh diction such as â€Å"hateful†and â€Å"burden†conveys society’s negative view on personal desires such as Mildred’s attraction to the â€Å"Offender,†or the farmhand, while â€Å"alone†portrays a tone of alienation to suggest the idea that if she were to pursue her desires, then society would scorn her.Even when people try to ignore their desires in lieu of an image they fight to portray to socie ty, they are still left to suffer. For instance, when Nathalie is married, she expects to receive the wealth and position in society because of her convenient marriage while also having what she truly desires out of society’s view, yet she learns that â€Å"a person can’t have everything in this world†(227). Chopin’s figure of speech, that people can’t have everything, conveys the idea that loss will exist no matter a person’s decision because they cannot have â€Å"everything,†and will be forced to choose between their desires and those of society.No matter how hard a person tries to escape the ridicule of society they still face the pain of loss and suffering because of suppressed desires. Fitting in is a controversial topic within society. No matter the change in era or the region people occupy, the desire to be deemed acceptable lives strong within everybody. In Chopin’s short stories she illustrates contrasting imagery a nd intense and tempting diction to suggest that society’s strict expectations influence the decisions of women because they are more worried about how they are portrayed to society then complying with their desires.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Euthanasia Essays (600 words) - Euthanasia, Medical Ethics
Euthanasia Essays (600 words) - Euthanasia, Medical Ethics Euthanasia Euthanasia, which means "good" or "peaceful" death, has been practiced through the ages. Doctors have always been dedicated to the task of easing pain and suffering, to make dying easier. Adding the adjective "active" alters the meaning of euthanasia. The emphasis shifts from comforting the dying to inducing death. The practice of voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide would cause society to devalue all life, especially the lives of the dying, the disabled, and the elderly. We should not understate the agonies involved in chronic pain and suffering. Nobody wants to see a loved one suffer or make the decisions that accompany medical science's ability to prolong life. The same technology that keeps people alive today raise a host of questions concerning the nature and destiny of man himself. Comforting the dying is still preferable to assisting in their death. There are many reasons why, but the main one has to do with how much we value human life. God views all human life as sacred. He created us in his own image (Genesis 1:26,27), and it is he who has determined our days on earth (Job 14:5). God confirms his great love for his people, a love that does not cease when we are old or ill. His command that we not kill one another does not change when we are brain damaged or comatose. Our society, however, teaches certain classes of people that they are not wanted. If a physician's aid in dying were to become a standard part of terminal care, there is always that possibility that patients might feel the need to request death out of fear of becoming a burden to their families. The right to die could be interpreted by a patient as the duty to die. Chronically ill or dying patients may be pressured to choose euthanasia to spare their families financial or emotional strain. Joan Farah states in the New England Journal of Medicine that the elderly are often cited as being vulnerable. If Euthanasia becomes the law of the land, how long will it take before the elderly and sick begin to feel an obligation to get out of the way? There are many complicated ethical and medical issues involved in the discussion of euthanasia. The decisions that family members must make are often as painful as the conditions of their loved ones. Sometimes the families react with wisdom and compassion. However, under stress human beings can make the wrong decisions. In an attempt to avoid such risk we dare not enact legislature that will allow murder simply to make decisions easier. Opponents contend that legalized euthanasia would force medical professionals and patients' families to judge the worth of others' lives. Once a vulnerable group is denied a basic right to life, it is only a matter of time until other groups are placed in the same category. We have accepted the killing of unborn children, allowed children born with severe handicaps to die, and have ignored "mercy killing" of consenting adults. Will we tolerate or accept euthanasia just as we do abortion? There are no easy answers when a loved one faces death. Scientists must continue to seek answers and cures. Active euthanasia does not provide answers: it only tries to avoid the hardest questions. Thomas Beauchamp, a bioethicist of Georgetown University has written, rules against killing "are not isolated moral principles," but "pieces of a web of rules" that forms a moral code. "The more threads one removes the weaker the fabric becomes." Allowing ourselves the liberty of choosing the time and place of death will not lessen our sense of loss. It can only erode the wonder of human life and the worth of each individual. Wekesser, Carol, ed. Euthanasia: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1995.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hydrogen Peroxide Shelf Life and Effectiveness
Hydrogen Peroxide Shelf Life and Effectiveness Hydrogen peroxide, like many household chemicals, can expire. If youve ever poured hydrogen peroxide solution onto a cut and didnt experience the expected fizz, its likely your bottle of hydrogen peroxide has become a bottle of plain water. The 3-percent hydrogen peroxide solution you can buy for use as a disinfectant typically has a shelf life of at least a year and up to three years if the bottle is unopened. Once you break the seal, the hydrogen peroxide will last 30 to 45 days at peak effectiveness, with about six months of useful activity. As soon as you expose the peroxide solution to air, it starts to react to form water. Also, if you contaminate the bottle- such as by dipping a swab or finger into it- you can expect the effectiveness of the remaining liquid to be compromised. So, if you have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide that has been sitting in your medicine cabinet for a few years, it would be a good idea to replace it. If youve opened the bottle at any point, assume the liquid has outlived its usefulness. Why Peroxide Bubbles Whether your bottle of peroxide is open or not, its always decomposing into water and oxygen. The equation is: 2 H2O2 → 2 H2O O2(g) The bubbles that form in the reaction come from oxygen gas. Ordinarily, the reaction proceeds so slowly you cant perceive it. When you pour hydrogen peroxide onto a cut or any of several surfaces, the reaction proceeds much more quickly because a catalyst is present. Catalysts that speed the decomposition reaction include transition metals, such as iron in the blood and the enzyme catalase. Catalase is found in nearly all living organisms, including humans and bacteria, where it acts to protect cells from peroxide by quickly deactivating it. Peroxide is naturally produced in cells and needs to be neutralized before it can cause oxidative damage. When you pour peroxide on a cut, both healthy tissue and microbes are killed, but the damage to your tissue mends. Test to See If It Is Still Good If youre not sure whether that bottle of peroxide is worth using, theres a safe and easy way to test it. Splash a bit into a sink. If it fizzes, its still good. If you dont get a fizz, its time to replace the bottle. Tips to Extend the Peroxides Life Dont open the new container until youre ready to use it and dont transfer it to a clear container. In addition to air, light also reacts with peroxide and causes it to change. You can help extend the shelf life of your hydrogen peroxide by storing it in a cool location, since heat accelerates the rate of chemical reactions, including the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Arsenic Contamination in Drinking Water Lack of Awareness
Lack of Awareness in Khulna Division Arsenic is treated by World Health Organization as the largest mass poisoning of a population in history in Bangladesh (WHO, 2002). Arsenic poisoning through drinking water results pigmentation of skin; enlargement of kidney, liver and lungs; failure of kidney and liver; jaundice etc. Finally it can even forward to death causing cancer of skin, lungs and bladder. In Khulna division, the administrative region of south-west Bangladesh is facing the problem as critical public health issue at present due to lack of awareness. In this area, about 16 million people from different 10 districts are under high risk of arsenic poisoning (BBS, a, 2011). In the Goal 7 of MDG, a target has been set for Bangladesh to achieve Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water (BBS, b. 2010). For fighting against the prevailing arsenic disaster it is highly need to raise awareness and expedite education to the people of the area. Government agencies and several NGOs are working in this area for mitigation of this problem by sensitization, advocating, educating for alternative safe water sources etc. Even though, the awareness level is not pleasing at all. In Table-1, data from Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey is showing the proportion of arsenic contamination and having awareness in Khulna division scrutinizes the argument. In Khulna division, as per WHO standard.
Friday, October 18, 2019
The challenges of delivering a holistic approach to rehabilitating Essay - 1
The challenges of delivering a holistic approach to rehabilitating motor skills following a frontal lobe injury - Essay Example It will first discuss the impact and pathophysiological elements relating to frontal lobe injuries. Secondly, the rehabilitative process will be presented, followed by a discussion on the challenges faced in frontal lobe problems. Finally, this essay will conclude with possible recommendations for better rehabilitative processes for affected patients. The frontal lobe of the brain generally represents a large mass and area (Lux, 2007). It comprises the cerebral system of the brain, which mostly provides a structure for goal-directed activities and behaviour (Badre and D’Esposito, 2009). It is often considered as the part of the brain which manages decision-making and which determines the impact of various actions. As it is found at the anterior part of the brain, it is also vulnerable to various injuries and trauma. After an individual’s frontal lobe is injured, one’s decision making processes may be compromised (Kim,, 2009). Damage to the frontal lobe can also lead to irritability, often manifesting as a change in the mood or the failure to balance or regulate behaviour (Lux, 2007). Injury to the frontal lobe can also cause problems in executive functioning, including anticipation, planning, goal selection, initiation, sequencing, and self-correction (Lezak, 1989). In the case of railroad worker Phine as Gage, his left frontal lobe was injured by a large iron rod and through such injury, he manifested animal propensities; he was irreverent and indulging at times; and he was also impatient and obstinate (MacMillan and Lena, 2010). These qualities were very much in contrast to his personality before he suffered the injury. Patients suffering from damaged frontal lobes often indicate memory loss, with some losses being greater than others (Kane and Engle, 2002). The working memory seems to be affected the most in these injuries with the person’s ability to maintain attention or manage goals being affected
Schools and society 601.4.4-10 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Schools and society 601.4.4-10 - Essay Example Show them a Saree from India and a Kimono from Japan. Explain that USA brings out the best in everyone. Ask children if they know where President Kennedy’s family originally came from ? Tell them they came from Ireland and he was the first Irish-American President of the US. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Governor of California and former film actor is an Austrian American. Show picture of â€Å"melting pot†(Villager, 2006) and explain how different cultures have created the uniqueness that is America. Explain that, in a melting pot, cultures blend together to form a smooth and consistent whole – with contribution from each. Then show a picture of â€Å"tossed salad†. A tossed salad is also made of many components and forms a complete whole. Ask students how a tossed salad is different from a melting pot ? Explain that, in a tossed salad, each community is a seamless, well-fitted part of the whole where individual beauty of their own culture is also preserved. Give example of lettuce in the picture which is part of the salad but still distinctively identifiable. Read excerpts of the American adaptation of Korean story â€Å"The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon†by Janie Jaehyun (2002). The folk tale shows the strength of speaking one’s mind and being fearless. Ask students if they liked the Korean folk tale and if they know where Korea is and whether they have any Asian friends. Ask students if they know that many words spoken in English today were originally brought to our culture and English language from different regions of the world ? Give examples of Hurricane (Spanish), Algebra (Arabic), Fajita (Spanish), Bazar (Urdu), Cent (Latin – French, Italian, German). Speak a little about these countries and their citizens who have made their home in the US. Explain to students how cultures bring languages and words together making it easier for us to understand new
Complexity in Organizations - Economics and Adaptation Assignment - 1
Complexity in Organizations - Economics and Adaptation - Assignment Example The main challenge that is being faced by managers is to ensure that complexity of systems, rules and procedures do not get out of hand and hence the persistent efforts to simplify procedures and reduce the complexity of the system. It has to be mentioned that complexity is an inherent property of any system and the study of adaptive systems has shown that complexity is an emergent property as well. Hence, this central tension between complexity and the human tendency to simplify or derive meaning by simple expositions lies at the heart of the debate over complexity. Hence, the paradox of simplifying complex systems is the theme of this paper. The paper attempts to answer the question: How can we form simple theories if organizations are so complex? This question carries with the implication that simple theories of organizations are difficult to achieve in the face of increasing complexity. This paper takes the position that though complexity is ever present and increasing, there can be ways in which the system (the organization in this case) can be described or theories can be made about the organization by adopting a two-fold approach. These are treating the organization as an organic whole and forming theories about the whole. The second approach is by taking the constituent parts and then formulating theories about them. In no way does this author assert that simple theories about essentially complex systems can be made. On the other hand, the theme of this paper is that theories about the organization can be formed that can reflect some level of simplicity by following the approaches mentioned above. As Macintosh and Maclean point out in their paper, there is a three-stage process of organizations â€Å"conditioning†the outcome of the transformation process by articulating and reconfiguring the rules which underpin its deep structure; second, it takes steps to move from its current equilibrium and finally it moves into a period where positive and negative feedback loops become the focus of managerial attention. Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Counter Terrorism in Comparative Perspective Essay - 1
Counter Terrorism in Comparative Perspective - Essay Example As a measure to retaliate to and prevent terror attacks, America and its allies have initiated several counter-terror operations in perceived geo-political hotspots. But differentiating between what comprises an act of terror and what can be classified as counter-terror is never straightforward - the official use of these labels is often purely a matter of rhetoric and self-serving bias. As renowned public intellectual Noam Chomsky succinctly points out, â€Å"if it is done by our side, the act is counter-terror; if it is done by the enemy, it is terror†. (Chomsky, as quoted in Bowden, 2003, p.51) A glance at the presentation of conflicts in mainstream media sources bears out this point. Depending on who the consumers of news information are, notations of terror and counter-terror are conveniently swapped. Hence, conceptions and definitions of these two opposing terms will have to begin by dispelling rhetorical exaggerations, intrinsic biases and other barriers to truth. In th is context, it is not surprising that the word ‘terrorism’ has become so subjective as to be without any concrete meaning. Nevertheless, the word has a frightening resonance, because people â€Å"tend to believe that it does have meaning and to use and abuse the word by applying it to whatever they hate as a way of avoiding rational thought and discussion and, frequently, excusing their own illegal and immoral behaviour†. (Whitbeck, 2002, p.52) The vagueness of the term is evident from the range of verbal formulations (signifying diverse acts) to which it is applied – â€Å"Mass murder," "assassination," "arson" and "sabotage" are available (to all of which the phrase "politically motivated" can be added if appropriate). Such crimes, moreover, are already on the statute books, rendering specific criminal legislation for "terrorism" unnecessary. Such precise formulations, however, do not carry the overwhelming, demonizing and thought-deadening impact of th e word "terrorism," which is, of course, precisely the charm of the word for its more cynical and unprincipled users and abusers. If someone commits "politically motivated mass murder," people might be curious as to the cause or grievances which inspired such a crime, but no cause or grievance can justify (or even explain) "terrorism," which, all right-thinking people agree, is the ultimate evil.†(Whitbeck, 2002, p.52) The best indication of difficulties in defining terrorism is the fact that some of the most inspirational public figures of the twentieth century such as Nelson Mandela, Menachem Begin, Yasser Arafat and Gerry Adams were all regarded as terrorists at some point during their public life. This classification of them being terrorists co-existed or transformed into more respectable classifications such as statesmen and peacemakers – indeed, Mandela, Begin and Arafat, have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and Mandela is viewed today by many as the leading m oral authority of his time in the world. (Tsoukala, 2004, p.417) Such examples typify the hazard of defining terrorism and terrorists. It also shows that these terms are easier to talk about than to define. As noted political commentator, Nissan Horowitz, points out in the major Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz, the meaning of the term terrorism is all in the eye of the beholder. To give a concrete example, he asks â€Å"
Investigation and evaluation of the opportunities of food retailer Essay
Investigation and evaluation of the opportunities of food retailer Tesco expending into Mumbai of India - Essay Example According to Czinkota and Ronkainen (2007) international marketing can be portrayed as a process of planning and carrying out transaction across the national boundaries, in order to create an exchange and to satisfy the needs of the organization. The forms of international marketing are generally export-import trade, wholly owned subsidiaries, joint ventures, licensing, management contracts and turnkey operations. This study aims to evaluate the opportunities of food retailer Tesco expending into Mumbai, India. In other words, the objective of the study is to uncover the opportunity for food retailer Tesco to setup its business in Mumbai. Tesco PLC, the UK based multinational general merchandise and grocery retailer is presently headquartered at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England (Yahoo Finance, 2012). It was founded by Jack Cohen in the year 1919. Based on its strong performance and determination, the company has been able to achieve colossal success in a short span of time. The compa ny is considered as one of the largest retailers of the world. Tesco is the second largest retailer in terms of net profit, just after Walmart, and the third largest retailer in terms of revenue, just after Carrefour and Walmart. ... Earlier the company used to position itself as a company which sells in large quantity and at low price. However the company has repositioned itself as a company that appeals to a mass customer through its wide range of products and value. The strategy paid off to a large extent as Tesco was successful in setting up 2000 stores more from the period of 1990 to 2005. Figure 1- Countries Where Tesco Operates (Source: DeadAnarchistPhil, 2012) With depressing economic environment, people are moving towards cheaper and value products. Some of the established players of Mumbai grocery retail industry such as Reliance Fresh, Aditya Birla’s MORE, Big Bazar, Metro Cash & Carry, and Marks & Spencer among others. (Source: Sood and Jashnani, 2012) Considering the present market conditions, the only way a company can earn profit is by satisfying the customers. Therefore proper segmenting and targeting the customers have become an indispensible task. In order to segment a market, companies n eed to consider factors such as psychographic aspect, demographic aspect, geographic aspect and behavioural aspect (Lao, 1998, p.114). According to the reports, the current strategy of the company is developed to compliment the vision, address the changing needs of the consumers and to satisfy the global nature of the company’s business. The strategy of the company is to create highly valued brands and customers with a variety of choice. This strategy helps the company to target customers from different segments of the society (Tescoplc, 2012). In addition, it also allows the company to realise economies of scale in the field of marketing and production. Moreover Tesco has the ability to sell products at a low price and therefore the company should deem catering to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Complexity in Organizations - Economics and Adaptation Assignment - 1
Complexity in Organizations - Economics and Adaptation - Assignment Example The main challenge that is being faced by managers is to ensure that complexity of systems, rules and procedures do not get out of hand and hence the persistent efforts to simplify procedures and reduce the complexity of the system. It has to be mentioned that complexity is an inherent property of any system and the study of adaptive systems has shown that complexity is an emergent property as well. Hence, this central tension between complexity and the human tendency to simplify or derive meaning by simple expositions lies at the heart of the debate over complexity. Hence, the paradox of simplifying complex systems is the theme of this paper. The paper attempts to answer the question: How can we form simple theories if organizations are so complex? This question carries with the implication that simple theories of organizations are difficult to achieve in the face of increasing complexity. This paper takes the position that though complexity is ever present and increasing, there can be ways in which the system (the organization in this case) can be described or theories can be made about the organization by adopting a two-fold approach. These are treating the organization as an organic whole and forming theories about the whole. The second approach is by taking the constituent parts and then formulating theories about them. In no way does this author assert that simple theories about essentially complex systems can be made. On the other hand, the theme of this paper is that theories about the organization can be formed that can reflect some level of simplicity by following the approaches mentioned above. As Macintosh and Maclean point out in their paper, there is a three-stage process of organizations â€Å"conditioning†the outcome of the transformation process by articulating and reconfiguring the rules which underpin its deep structure; second, it takes steps to move from its current equilibrium and finally it moves into a period where positive and negative feedback loops become the focus of managerial attention. Â
Investigation and evaluation of the opportunities of food retailer Essay
Investigation and evaluation of the opportunities of food retailer Tesco expending into Mumbai of India - Essay Example According to Czinkota and Ronkainen (2007) international marketing can be portrayed as a process of planning and carrying out transaction across the national boundaries, in order to create an exchange and to satisfy the needs of the organization. The forms of international marketing are generally export-import trade, wholly owned subsidiaries, joint ventures, licensing, management contracts and turnkey operations. This study aims to evaluate the opportunities of food retailer Tesco expending into Mumbai, India. In other words, the objective of the study is to uncover the opportunity for food retailer Tesco to setup its business in Mumbai. Tesco PLC, the UK based multinational general merchandise and grocery retailer is presently headquartered at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England (Yahoo Finance, 2012). It was founded by Jack Cohen in the year 1919. Based on its strong performance and determination, the company has been able to achieve colossal success in a short span of time. The compa ny is considered as one of the largest retailers of the world. Tesco is the second largest retailer in terms of net profit, just after Walmart, and the third largest retailer in terms of revenue, just after Carrefour and Walmart. ... Earlier the company used to position itself as a company which sells in large quantity and at low price. However the company has repositioned itself as a company that appeals to a mass customer through its wide range of products and value. The strategy paid off to a large extent as Tesco was successful in setting up 2000 stores more from the period of 1990 to 2005. Figure 1- Countries Where Tesco Operates (Source: DeadAnarchistPhil, 2012) With depressing economic environment, people are moving towards cheaper and value products. Some of the established players of Mumbai grocery retail industry such as Reliance Fresh, Aditya Birla’s MORE, Big Bazar, Metro Cash & Carry, and Marks & Spencer among others. (Source: Sood and Jashnani, 2012) Considering the present market conditions, the only way a company can earn profit is by satisfying the customers. Therefore proper segmenting and targeting the customers have become an indispensible task. In order to segment a market, companies n eed to consider factors such as psychographic aspect, demographic aspect, geographic aspect and behavioural aspect (Lao, 1998, p.114). According to the reports, the current strategy of the company is developed to compliment the vision, address the changing needs of the consumers and to satisfy the global nature of the company’s business. The strategy of the company is to create highly valued brands and customers with a variety of choice. This strategy helps the company to target customers from different segments of the society (Tescoplc, 2012). In addition, it also allows the company to realise economies of scale in the field of marketing and production. Moreover Tesco has the ability to sell products at a low price and therefore the company should deem catering to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Little Children Movie Review Essay Example for Free
Little Children Movie Review Essay You couldnt change the past. But the future could be a different story. And it had to start somewhere. This final statement sums up the message of the Little Children, a film opus of Todd Fiend, that talks not merely about a love affair of two married persons, but the story of struggle and redemption of common folk living in an upper-middle class suburban Boston. This notwithstanding, the film also shows a stereotypical, albeit real depiction of the contradictions in such a neighborhood – the soccer moms, the disempowered husbands, better called ‘house-bands’, and the bored housewives in terrible need of an ego boost. The film review shall mainly quote dialogue from the film, in order to showcase fully the power of this story about suburban Northeastern America. Sarah Pierce is a successful academic and campus figure, but has since lost all glory upon her marriage to Richard, and subsequent birth to Lucy, a self-assured little girl who refuses to do everything Sarah requests. She currently suffers from an absolute absence of love in her relationship with Brad, shattered further with her catching Richard in a fit of masturbation, while wearing her panties around his head. Moreover, she eternally despises the pretentious moms she sees in Lucy’s playground all the time. The lines with sarcasm are clearly suggestive of her clear disdain for the mothers, to wit – Mary Ann: He should just be castrated. Just snip, quick and easy. Sarah Pierce: [sarcastically] You know what else you should do? Nail his penis above the entrance to the elementary school. Thatd really teach him a lesson. This initial situation of Sarah inextricably creates the objective conditions for the future love affair with Brad, because one cannot reasonably expect, despite promises made at the consummation of marriage that she can eternally be faithful in the wake of the loveless situation that she is in. Her disempowerment as an intellectual by becoming a fulltime housewife living in a sea of pretentious women around her also gives further ammunition, albeit personal isolation from her community-at-large, for the blossoming of a new yet forbidden relationship with Brad. The other player in this love affair is Brad Adamson, a ‘house-band’ whose career is at a standstill – he failed the bar exams twice, and his wife is a successful documentary filmmaker, named Kathy. In such as situation, he feels absolutely helpless, in view of the fact that it is his wife that serves as the breadwinner of the family, and his main task for every given day would be to accompany their child Aaron during his playtime. Without an actual career to speak of, and a similarly successful past as Sarah, it is without a doubt a situation which would create the necessary conditions for his decision to enter into an affair with Sarah – them hopeless beings supposedly full of potential, now finally united. The proverbial meet-cute of film may be the scandalous yet affirming prank they pulled against the pretentious mothers in the playground, when Sarah and Brad hugged each other, to the absolute disdain of the mothers. The prank unleashed their long-kept longings of spontaneity and passion, long gone in the running of their marriages and only to be found again in each other’s embrace. Sarah, as the formerly empowered intellectual, possesses almost the same ridicule at Richard as what she has against the pretentious mothers, to wit – Brad Adamson: You have a nice place here. Sarah Pierce: You think? Yeah, Richard does pretty well for himself. Brad Adamson: Oh, yeah? Whats he do? Sarah Pierce: He lies. They shall soon engage in passionate love-making during a fierce rainstorm, but only after Brad realizes that their feelings for each other are mutual, as shown by a picture kept by Sarah in her study. Nonetheless, the couple in the affair approach their forbidden relationship, with great fervor, but a bit unsure, with even a tinge of guilt and remorse, particularly on the part of Brad, to wit – Brad Adamson: Do you feel bad about this? Sarah Pierce: No, I dont. Brad Adamson: I do. I feel really bad. The other characters in the movie are as interesting as the two main love-struck protagonists. Ronnie McGorvey is an indecent exposure offender, having served prison time and has since moved back into the neighborhood with his mother. Ronnie seems to have been unreformed in his perverted ways, when he masturbates yet again during a date set by his mother, ruining the date, and destroying all hopes of him ever finding love. His return, nonetheless, is met with great protest by Larry, Brad’s teammate in touch football, and a disgraced police officer. His protests turn violent at times, not content with the mere handing out of flyers and posters about Ronnie, but also vandalizing his house, and almost assaulting Ronnie and his mother. Their seemingly grown-men, good vs. evil conflict reaches a terrible turn when a drunken Larry goes to Ronnie’s house with a megaphone, waking the entire neighborhood and shaming fully Ronnie and his mother. As his mother tries to stop Larry from further his drunken actions, he pushes her to the ground, triggering a heart attack which would soon take her life. Nonetheless, before entering death’s door, she writes a note to Ronnie with a chest-pounding plea – â€Å"Please be good boy. †This triggers Ronnie to go on a fit of rage for losing his mother, ending in castrating himself, in pursuit of his mother’s request at death. Larry would soon realize how grave his mistake was and looks for Ronnie, and bring him to the hospital for medical attention. The stories of Ronnie and Larry ironically show the awkward sense of justice and reason disgraced persons in the community pursue to redeem themselves to their loved ones and to the community. Ronnie, in the most dramatic expression of remorse and love to his dead mother, has cut of his testicles – the physical object of his sexual perversion, in order to unrealistically undo the hurt feelings of his mother created by his former acts. But despite the spectacle of it all, the drama attended by it, there is no point in doing such. The mother is dead, and the date has been left crying. On the other hand, Larry, the disgraced police officer, puts the law into his own hands by maligning Ronnie’s person and by engaging into overt acts of harassment and violence in pursuit of this. The objective is clear, that despite his failure as an officer of the law, he himself continues to be an upright man, rejecting sexual depredation and moral turpitude in the person of Ronnie. He does his brand of redemption to a serious fault, notwithstanding through aimless grandstanding, by lumping together Ronnie’s person to that of his mother, by vandalizing her property and pushing her to the ground in pursuit of his shame campaign. By doing such, he fails in the end, because the object of vigilante-ism is not the person whose life was lost, but some innocent person whose continued life could have influenced Ronnie towards full redemption from his sins, without need of castration, nor the spectacle of it. Meanwhile, the affair between Brad and Sarah becomes all the more serious, to the point that Kathy herself now witnesses the truth of the affair through the tacit sexual tensions between the two during a dinner. They have even agreed to run away together, as when two young star-crossed lovers would leave their unyielding parents in pursuit of their hasty, yet seemingly ‘true’ love. In pursuit of this, Sarah even declares the situation to Mary Ann, to wit – Mary Ann: Oh thats nice. So now cheating on your husband makes you a feminist? Sarah Pierce: No, no, no. Its not the cheating. Its the hunger the hunger for an alternative and the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness. The two were prepared to leave their loveless homes, their young children and their real spouses to perfect the ‘love’ long lost, and which now they have found through one another. This feeling of seemingly ‘great love’ is expected, but appears clearly as one that is fleeting, one that is artificial, one that was created by the sordid personal experiences of their lives, where the affair’s function was a mere outlet of a love that is merely not sought, but never absent, in their own homes. Such is how their love is that in the film’s climax, at the supposed point of no return by meeting on the night they agreed upon to run away for love, the family and the past they have left pull them back, not through force, but by circumstances that put everything back into its proper perspective. Sarah’s Lucy gets lost, and a panicked mother searches for her relentlessly in the playground where she left her, only to soon find her along under a street light. It is on this moment, that the bubble of ‘love’ in the affair is completely pierced, that the idea of the absence of love is merely in her mind, nothing more, and Lucy is the personification of that love, that has never been absent, but as stated above, a love merely unsought. Brad himself experiences a similar piercing of the ‘love bubble’, in the exact moment towards their scheduled departure for love. Brad, the confident but now disempowered lawyer-to-be, has failed to leave his goodbye letter to Kathy when he met a serious accident while trying some skateboard tricks. No clue has been given as to why he failed to leave the note to Kathy, but what can be surmised is that he probably felt the same as Sarah had, the inability, at the final instance, to create the actual physical wedge between his past and his supposed future with Sarah. This unstated inability to leave is further buttressed by Kathy’s rush to the hospital to meet Brad at the emergency room doors, showing that despite acting as the breadwinner of the family, she is not without love for her husband, and that, as in Sarah’s case, Brad’s idea of a loveless home is again, a love merely unsought, waning and almost at the point of death, yes, but present with the ability to be roused to life again. In all these, the film shows who the real Little Children are in this story of suburban America – it is the adults who allow their feelings to get in the way of principled contemplation of relationships and love.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Introduction of gatorade company
Introduction of gatorade company Abstract In this term paper I first give introduction of Gatorade Company and then its expansion into international market. The political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal (PESTEL) environments of the company in India and Porters 5 forces model is also being discussed in this term paper. It also defines the opportunities in international market for Gatorades products, its market selection decision, pricing approaches of Gatorade product for Indian market. Introduction Gatorade is a brand of flavored non-carbonated sports drinks manufactured by the Quaker Oats Company, now a division of PepsiCo. Intended for consumption during physically active occasions, Gatorade beverages are formulated to rehydrate and replenish fluid, carbohydrates and electrolytes. Gatorade started in the summer of 1965 with the realization that the Florida Gators football players could not make it through practice without struggling. Many players reported being dehydrated and playing sluggish during team drills. So the physicians got together and determined what exactly the problem was. The athletics suffered from a back lack of electrolytes and carbohydrates, which was not being replenished with just water. The group of four physicians blended a drink that had perfect balance of carbohydrates and electrolytes. The drink would prove to help the Gator football team perform better on the field, so naturally they called the drink Gatorade. What happened next was rather remarkable because then players started performing better. They finished with a record of 7-4 that season and the next seasons they finished with a record of 9-2, winning the orange bowl for the first time in school history. Eventually, the drink moved into the professional leagues and the first team to adopt it was the Kansas City Chiefs. The chief has trouble practicing in the stifling heat of Missouris summer afternoons and they kept it on the side-lines the whole year. It resulted in the chiefs beating the heavily favoured Minnesota Vikings in super bowl sixth. Soon it become popular to have Gatorade on the side-lines and it started the sports drink category. By 1965, Gatorade had expanded its research in sports science by building the Gatorade sports science institute. The institute allows them to better understand the human body, its needs during the stress of competition and how to improve their products. Gatorade is the official sports drink of the National Football League Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, Womens National Basketball Association, USA Basketball, National Hockey League, Association of Volleyball Professionals, US Soccer Federation, Major League Soccer, and many other pro or collegiate organizations, providing supplies of the drinks to the teams in all flavors available. Gatorade extended their market to the U.K., in 2008, and promoted this, in part, by becoming the sports drink provider for Chelsea F.C. Composition The original Gatorade contained water, sucrose (table sugar) and glucose-fructose syrups, citric acid, fish oil, sodium chloride (table salt), sodium citrate, monopotassium phosphate, and flavoring/coloring ingredients; some Gatorade flavorings use brominated vegetable oil as a stabilizer. Gatorade Thirst Quencher meets the Food and Drug Administrations definition of a low sodium product. Gatorade is available in a variety of flavors, including the original Lemon-Lime, Grape, Orange, and Fruit punch. In the past decade, several new formulations of Gatorade, including Rain, AM, Fierce and X-Factor, have been introduced with each only being minor tweaks of the original 1965 formula. Gatorade revealed the Gatorade line Energy Bar in 1999. This energy bar was Gatorades first foray into solid foods and was introduced to compete with PowerBar and Clif Bar. Gatorade Energy Bars contain a large proportion of protein, in addition to its carbohydrates. The bar is mainly made up of puffed grains and corn syrup, common components of other energy bars. Gatorades Products Original Gatorade Thirst Quencher Gatorade Fierce Gatorade Frost Gatorade Xtremo Gatorade Nutrition Shake Gatorade Energy Drink Gatorade Energy Bar Propel Fitness Water Propel is a lightly flavored water with essential vitamins and just 10 calories. Available in four natural flavors including Lemon, Berry, Black Cherry and Orange, Propel is currently the market leader in the rapidly growing fitness water category. PEST Analysis of Gatorade Company Political analysis for Gatorade: The government plays a role within the operation of manufacturing these products in terms of regulations. There are potential fines set by the government on companies if they do not meet a standard of laws. The following are some of the factors that could cause Gatorade companys actual results to differ materially from the expected results described in their underlying companys forward statement:- Changes in laws and regulations, including changes in accounting standards, taxation requirements, (including tax rate changes, new tax laws and revised tax law interpretations) and environmental laws in domestic or foreign jurisdictions. Changes in the non-alcoholic business environment. These include, without limitation, competitive product and pricing pressures and their ability to gain or maintain share of sales in the global market as a result of action by competitors. Political conditions, especially in international markets, including civil unrest, government changes and restrictions on the ability to transfer capital across borders. Their ability to penetrate developing and emerging markets, which also depends on economic and political conditions, and how well they are able to acquire or form strategic business alliances with local bottlers and make necessary infrastructure enhancements to production facilities, distribution networks, sales equipment and technology. Economic analysis for Gatorade: The economic stability in the target market facilitates an international marketers task. For example a recession creating increased activity at the lower ends of product price ranges. Rate of interest raises depressing business and causing redundancies and lower spending levels. Economic environment of India affects the international marketing decisions of Gatorade greatly. The economic conditions of a country such as the state of foreign exchange reserves and inflationary conditions also affect the openness of a countrys trade policies. In the recent years, the opening up of the Indian market has paved the way for import and distribution of consumer goods. However, it has put pressure on domestic firms to compete with international brands such as Gatorade, PowerAde etc. Social Analysis for Gatorade: Social change involves changing attitudes and lifestyles. Many Indian citizens are practicing healthier lifestyles. This has affected the non-alcoholic beverage industry in that many are switching to bottled water and diet sports drink instead of beer and other alcoholic beverages. The need for bottled water and other more convenient and healthy products (Gatorade sports drink) are in important in the average day-to-day life. Consumers from the ages of 37 to 55 are also increasingly concerned with nutrition. There is a large population of the age range known as the baby boomers. Since many are reaching an older age in life they are becoming more concerned with increasing their longevity. This will continue to affect the non-alcoholic beverage industry by increasing the demand overall and in the healthier beverages. Technological Analysis for Gatorade: The effectiveness of Gatorade Companys advertising, marketing and promotional programs are the factors which cause company actual result. They make some products look attractive. This helps in selling of the products. This advertising makes the product attractive. This technology is being used in media to sell their products. Introduction of cans and plastic bottles have increased sales for Gatorade as these are easier to carry and you can bind them once they are used. As the technology is getting advanced there has been introduction of new machineries all the time. Due to introduction of this machineries the production of the Gatorade company has increased tremendously then it was few years ago. Porters 5 forces model for Gatorade Company Rivalry among competitors: There is high competition for Gatorade Company because other Sports drink companies are also there which are providing the same tough competition to Gatorade. Rivalry is increasing, as the market decreases, and competitors downsize, the competitors become more or less equal in size and capacity. This means that as economic conditions worsen, competitors downsize and then compete for the same remaining market. Threats of new entry: The threat of new entrants is high in the Sports drink industry because many other companies are also coming in the same market in order to provide cut through competition to Gatorade. Threats of substitutes: Threats of substitutes is very high because many other forms of soft drinks are available in the market which is doing the same work as that of the Gatorade. Bargaining power of Buyers: The bargaining power of buyers is very high because many other sports drinks are also available in the market such as PowerAde so buyer if not satisfied with the product can switch to other companies products. Bargaining power of suppliers: The suppliers power is low for Gatorade Company because other player such as PowerAde of Coca Cola are also present in the market so the suppliers cannot charge high cost by the customers than its competitors. Current Products G Series and Elite Series In early 2010, Gatorade announced its latest marketing campaign, promoting its products as the G Series. Gatorade describes the G Series as a three-part regimen designed to fuel every step of its consumers athletic performance. The first part, Prime, includes a pre-game fuel with B vitamins, carbohydrates, and electrolytes to be taken before athletic performance. G Prime is described as coming soon on the companys website. The second part of the series, Perform, includes traditional Gatorade products such as Gatorade G, G2, and Gatorade powder. The third part of G Series, Recover, is described as the worlds first rehydrating protein drink and is designed for consumption immediately following athletic activity. In addition to the G Series, Gatorade also maintains a line of products called the Elite Series designed for serious athletes. Similar to the G Series, the Elite Series includes products for before, during, and after workouts, as well as All Day nutrition shakes. G2: Off the Field Hydration, Otherwise known as Gatorade 2 (G2), is a low-calorie electrolyte beverage that was launched in late 2007; G2 is currently available in six flavors: Orange, Fruit Punch, Lemon-Lime, Strawberry Kiwi, Blueberry-Pomegranate, and Grape. It is also labeled as a healthy choice beverage. It was the top new food product of 2008, generating the sales of $159.1 million. 2009 Rebranding In 2009, Gatorade began a massive rebranding, resulting in new names for most of their products; however, some products only had name changes: Original Gatorade was relabeled as Gatorade G Gatorade Rain was relabeled as No Excuses Other products were reformulated as well: Gatorade AM was relabeled Shine On, which now contains the addition of 20% RDV of Vitamin C per 8-oz. serving. Gatorade X-Factor was relabeled as Be Tough, which now contains the addition of 20% RDV of Vitamin E per 8-oz. serving. Gatorade Fierce was relabeled Bring It, which now contains the addition of 25% RDV of several B vitamins, including B3, B5 and B6. G2, which was not renamed, now contains the same added B vitamins as Bring It. G2s label was further redesigned at the end of 2009, giving it a silver label and a new slogan: Â ½ the Calories, All the G. Former Products Gator Gum In the late 1970s and early 1980s (as well as the late 90s to early 2000s), Gatorade sold a brand of chewing gum called Gator Gum. The product, manufactured by Fleer Corporation, was available in both of Gatorades original flavors (lemon-lime and orange) and was rather sour-tasting by normal chewing gum standards. In the late 1970s, Stokley-Van Camp (owner of Gatorade prior to 1983) negotiated a long-term licensing deal, with Swell and Vicks, to market Gator Gum. T he gum, which had no functionality or ingredients of Gatorade Thirst Quencher, was discontinued in 1989 after the contract expired. Mueller Sports, in Wisconsin, manufactures a gum called Quench; it is based on Gator Gum but is not the same as what Stokley-Van Camp created. Gator Gums foil packaging advertised that the product Helps Quench Thirst. However, like all chewing gums, the product would not actually rehydrate the body on its own but would, instead, only give the feeling of a wet mouth. However, it did contain electrolytes to assist the human body with the rehydration process. Competition of Gatorade with PowerAde Gatorades main competitive brand is POWERade, made by the Coca-Cola Company. PowerAde is the main competitor for Gatorade, others like all sport exist, but they do not present a challenge to Gatorade. The brand of PowerAde has essentially the same target market as Gatorade: 18-24 year old males who are engaged in athletics. However, PowerAde appears to be looking for the trendier types of consumers. Based upon their company website design, it seems as through PowerAde is trying to offer the attributes of having the cooler drink. PowerAde has a very interactive website compared to Gatorade, one can choose from 8 different varieties of musical beats that represent each unique flavour. The website also allows individuals who are visiting the site to put up their own thoughts about PowerAde. PowerAde does not have a good target market perception; they are considered a second place to Gatorade, PowerAde does not have the same quality of winning athletics that Gatorade has. They also lack scientific research behind their product without a research institute. The future for competition against Gatorade seems bleak. Gatorade owns the sports drink category and much can be done to stop them. Segmentation, Targeting Positioning Demographics The demographics of the Gatorade target market are active males, aged 18-25. They can be students, just starting their career, or well established, regardless of status the majority of them believe they are athletics. They grew up idolizing many different sports athletics and teams, which still have an influence. They make very wide variety of incomes because Gatorade is inexpensive. Education could vary also, most have at least high school level education and some have college experience. Their attitudes can vary a little, but most of them are competitive, care about sports and enjoy their perspective athletics endeavours. These types of consumers may also be interested in other sport-related clothing and accessories. They may be interested in items such as jerseys, hats, shoes or anything that will show off their allegiance to a team, sport or player. Advertisement TARGET MARKET: Athletes CURRENT SLOGAN: Is it in you? TYPES of ADS: commercials, web site, print, sponsorship, partnerships, promotion, etc. Endorsements Gatorade scored a slam dunk in 1991 when it tabbed Jordan to become its first athlete endorser. Although the sports drink brand already dominated store shelves, millions of people still have the Be like Mike jingle stuck in their head so many years later. Other Endorsers include, Mia Hamm Derek Jeter Vince Carter Peyton Manning Yao Ming Positioning of Gatorade Positioning is making unique identity in the mind of the prospective customers. Sports being Gatorades biggest focus, they brand themselves as the best sports drink for an athletics trying to reach their peak performance. They have done this through source credibility, by gathering a group of athletics like Peyton Manning, Dwyane Wade, Derek Jeter, Kevin Garnett and Michael Jordan. All of these athletics are memorable and influential to kids and adults, but Jordan has the most impact. Recent Programs Defeat the Heat Campaign to protect kids from heat illness After a 10 year old boy collapsed on a sports field, he and his mom helped initiate Defeat the Heat which was sponsored by Gatorade, National Athletic Trainers Assoc., and SAFE KIDS. This program teaches kids the importance of staying hydrated while playing sports. Gatorade loves Racing Gatorade has become a huge influence on NASCAR racing by becoming a huge sponsor. They introduced the G.I.D.S. (Gatorade In-Car Drinking System) to give drivers fluids during long races. Makes getting fluids easier Gatorade is able to advertise heavier now during a sporting event that has a huge fan base that increases every year. Expansion Strategies of Gatorade in India Diversification Strategy: Gatorade as US Company will use Diversification strategy in India because it is new product for Indian customers and the market is also new for Gatorade. So for the growth of the product in the new market in order to make people aware of the Gatorade products for increasing market share diversification strategy will be used by Gatorade company. Under the direction of the Quaker Oats company, Gatorades distribution was increased and new flavours have been added. This also included an advertising and promotion campaign held in conjunction with the NBA (National Basketball Association) Championship. Pricing Strategies for Gatorade in India Skimming Pricing: Selling a product at a high price, sacrificing high sales to gain a high profit, therefore skimming the market. Gatorade use skimming pricing strategy in India as they have targeted mostly athletic so they can charge high because of their new product in the Indian market as a division of PepsiCo Company. So skimming pricing strategy can be used by Gatorade Company for Indian market. Competition based pricing: Setting the price based upon prices of the similar competitor products. Competitive pricing is based on three types of competitive product: Products have lasting distinctiveness from competitors product. Here we can assume The product has low price elasticity The product has low cross elasticity The demand of the product will rise Products have perishable distinctiveness from competitors product, assuming the product features are medium distinctiveness. Products have little distinctiveness from competitors product. assuming that: The product has high price elasticity The product has some cross elasticity No expectation that demand of the product will rise Gatorade is priced slightly lower than its main competition, PowerAde. PepsiCo keeps very close control over the pricing of its products, ensuring that every channel member makes a profit. Product promotion for Gatorade is focused in three areas, media advertising, event sponsorship, and contests. The main competitor for Gatorade is the Coca-Cola product, PowerAde. Currently Gatorade seems to have the upper hand because it is experiencing sales growth while PowerAde is not expecting any growth. Gatorade keeps its competitive edge through product innovation. Current Trends Despite aggressive competition, Gatorade was able to maintain its market share in 1997 and make further inroads into foreign markets. The company cited the addition of new flavours in addition to packaging changes, promotions, and scrutinized distribution. Among these were the Cherry Rush, Strawberry Kiwi, and Mmmmandarina flavours, added in 1996. Prior to that, three new flavours, aimed at women athletes, were introduced-Alpine Snow, Glacier Freeze, and White water Splash. Global Presence For many years, Gatorade was primarily a United States phenomenon. In 1992 Quaker Oats decided to distribute the beverage worldwide. The theory was that the drink would be equally successful outside the United States because no other sports beverage because of its distinct scientific formulation and market position is more poised to take advantage of a worldwide opportunity. The company continues to work at expanding distribution beyond the United States, particularly in Latin America and the Pacific Rim countries. More than $20 million was spent on expansion in 1996, resulting in sales of $283 million in more than 45 nations. The number of countries in which the sports drink was sold increased by 10 over the previous year. Worldwide sales increased 19 percent internationally, reflecting growth in both Latin America and Italy. In 1997 international sales climbed 18.7 percent to $335.2 million. By 1998 the company was the worlds leading manufacturer of sports beverages, with Gatorade being sold in 47 countries around the world. The number one sports drink in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Indonesia and the Philippines, Gatorade is also one of the leading sports drink brands in Korea and Sport Drink Gatorade is marketed not merely as a tasty drink, but as a carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage designed to provide rapid rehydration. How does it work? Well, all food and beverages are absorbed by the small intestine, and Gatorade claims that its 6-percent carbohydrate level and small amount of sodium are ideal for rapid fluid absorption. By comparison, beverages with a higher percentage of carbohydrates, such as fruit drinks and soft drinks, are said to slow the absorption rate of fluids. Gatorade points out that the salt and sugar in Gatorade stimulates people to drink more fluid voluntarily. Current Strategy Target Market Athletes Males 18 to 24 Focused on Point of Sweat Getting to Market TV Ads /ESPN Sports Venues cups, coolers, billboards Sports Magazines Limited Radio Sponsored Events Celebrity Endorsements High School Athlete of the Year Current Market Facts Part of PepsiCo Control 80% 90% of Market Share in North America 1.5 Billion dollar brand Competition PowerAde (Coke) Private Label Isotonic Sports Drinks Water View of Future State Create Brand Loyalty Younger generation Increase market share New Market Non-athletes How Do they Attract Youth? Parenting Magazines Emphasize health benefits of the active child Kids Magazines Sports Illustrated for Kids, Seventeen, etc. Internet Pop Ups / Websites Nick Jr., Discovery Kids, Disney TV Ads on Kids Programming Target Youth Endorsements appealing to the younger child Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob Video game background banners Form strategic partnerships with other companies, Ex. EA Sports Continue celebrity endorsements aimed at pre-teens/teens Derek Jeter Mia Hamm Supporting Facts Current National Trend is to Decrease Childhood Obesity Overweight children 9 million (3x that of 1980) Children dehydrate faster that adults Instill brand recognition at an early age Studies show taste promotes more consumption with kids Attracting a New Market Non-Athletes Home Improvement Contractors Do-It-Yourselfers Construction Workers SWOT Analysis of Gatorade Strengths Gatorade is the market leader in the sport drink category, dominating the main competition of PowerAde. Gatorade has science to back up their product and it is proven to excel and maintain physical performance during competition. It is the field of play in many professional sports, which means not is it on television, but it is also proven to work at the highest level. A wide array of athletes endorses the Gatorade message from virtually every type of sport. Not only are those, but nearly every one of their athletes proven winners which instils additional credibility in the brand. Gatorade has a loyal consumer base and their brand is held in high regard. This gives them flexibility to expend into other products meant to help athletes. Weaknesses There may be too many varieties and flavours of the Gatorade product, which might ultimately, might confuse and annoy customers. Gatorade also does not have an energy drink and do not have lot of potential to make one because it could lead to dehydration. Work needs to be done in these two areas and they can heal the few weaknesses they have. Opportunities If Gatorade can develop a unique blend that would provide additional energy and keep athletes hydrated it would certainly give them an edge. Adding one athlete from the mixed martial arts (MMA) could help them expand quite a bit. Since MMA has recently boomed in the sports world as the new, exciting form of entertainment. They could also add a vitamin-enhanced hydrator to complete with brands like vitamin water that take some of their target market. Gatorade also has some products listed on their website that have some potential like protein shakes, but they are not promoted as much. Threats New energy drinks flavours present a threat to Gatorade because it is also appealing to the target market of 18-24 year old males. The currency economy also has an effect on what people will consider to buy the grocery store. Finally, Gatorade has to worry about their brand plateauing and losing interest in their target market. Suggestions and recommendations I would like to give certain suggestions to the Gatorade company which are as follows: Gatorade Company targeted mainly athletics and sports persons and there exist a huge potential in the market for them so they should also have targeted other segments in order to have more market share. In India they use skimming pricing approach by which they can charge high prices but if they charge less by reducing the price of the Gatorade products they can increase their sales which give them maximum profits. In Indian market they should have created more awareness among the peoples as less number of peoples knows about the Gatorade brand. For promotion in Indian market they should have used celebrity endorsement such as cricketers or Bollywood stars as they use Michael Jordan for the promotion of their energy drink products. They should have also made the Gatorade products for the rural India as more than 70% of the sector is unorganised and there exist huge potential for growth. Conclusion References GATORADES EXPENSION INTO INTERNATIONAL MARKET-BY-MOHD FAHAD
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Thomas Paine :: essays research papers
Thomas Paine In September of 1776, on the outskirts of Newark, among the tired, discouraged, soldiers, as they paused from their daily retreat, sat Thomas Paine. He wrote many papers that would have a major effect on the outcome of the quest for independence. Born the son of a Quaker Laymaker on January 29th, 1737 at Thetford, Norfolk England. He received a basic elementary education, and started to work for his father as an apprentice, and later as an excise officer. He was not a huge success at either, and was in fact fired twice from the job as an excise officer. When he arrived in Philadelphia on November 30th 1774, he was sick and feverish, and had to be carried on a stretcher. With a letter of recommendation from Ben Franklin, he was accepted into a hospital and given special care, until he recovered. With that same letter from Ben Franklin, he found many doors opened for him, including jobs tutoring many of the sons of the wealthiest men in Philadelphia. Â Â Â Â Â Paine started over again, by publishing African Slavery In America, in the spring of 1775, in which he criticized slavery in America as being unjust and inhumane. At about this same time, he became the co-editor for the Pennsylvania Magazine. When he arrived in Philadelphia, Paine noticed the tension, and the rebellious attitude, that was continually getting larger, after the Boston Tea Party. In Paine's opinion, the Colonies had all the right to revolt against a government that imposed taxes on them, and which did not give them the right of representation in the Parliament at Westminster. Then he went one massive step further, he decided there was no reason for the Colonies to stay dependent on England. He published his opinions in the American independence pamphlet Common Sense. Â Â Â Â Â In Common Sense Paine states that sooner or later Independence from England must come, because America had lost touch with the mother country. He felt that the function of government in society was to only be a regulator, and thus pretty simple. His strong beliefs made him a major influence on the Declaration Of Independence. Â Â Â Â Â He joined General Washington in his battle against General Howe in the War of Independence. Where he motivated many downhearted soldiers who needed reassurance. The retreating of General Washington's army was a slow, daily affair. Being an Englishman himself, Paine knew that the British enemy, would not take the Revolutionary Army seriously and was familiar with tactics of the English Army, and could advise the Revolutionary Army of what was to be expected. The English were polite in the way that they did not attack at night.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Essay -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge Papers
Samuel Taylor Coleridge The French and American Revolutions had an enormous impact on the early Romantic thinkers like Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. The aristocracies that had been controlling Europe were beginning to fall, the middle class began to grow and power was increasingly falling into the hands of the common people. This may explain why the poetry that Coleridge and Wordsworth produced was aimed at the common man, rather than the educated aristocrats. This meant a shift from elevated language and subject matter, a common trait throughout the "age of reason", and a turn toward spontaneity and emotion, otherwise known as the Romantic period (Spartacus. school net). The Romantic period, which consisted of the time between 1785 - 1830, can in a sense be synonymous with "nature poetry." Romantic poets often wrote about the beauty of nature, both physically and spiritually. A common theme throughout the Romantic period expressed how an individual must become one with nature. The Romantics believed that: "ordinary language was the proper vehicle for communication of the soul, for a poet was ‘a man speaking to men.’ For Wordsworth, this meant rural and pastoral language, for he believed that the most important knowledge came from communing with nature. For Coleridge, it simply meant the language spoken by most people at ordinary times" (Abrams 8). During this time, people began to question what the aim of poetry was. Previous generations had believed that poetry existed solely to change people’s behavior. The Romantics, however, felt poetry should exist as a pure form of expression, especially the expression of intense emotion. According to Wordsworth, in his preface to Lyrical Ballads, the defini... ... in promise but not in performance" (Abrams 325). Works cited Abrams, M.H., et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 6th ed. 2 vol. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. Hill, John Spencer. "Critical Approaches to: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan and Frost at Midnight." A Coleridge Companion. 1983: http:// (9 Dec 1999). Literature Resource Center: "Overview of: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan." Gale Research. 1999: (17 Dec 1999). "Coleridge, Samuel Taylor." 1999: 5/ce011814.html (28 Nov 1999). The Spartacus Encyclopedia. "Samuel Taylor." 1999: http://www.spartacus (28 Nov 1999). Wordsworth, William. "Preface to Lyrical Ballads." 1802. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993.
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