Monday, December 23, 2019
Was It Really Just An Experiment.. Nathaniel Hawthorne
Was It Really Just an Experiment? Nathaniel Hawthorne once said, â€Å"The Devil himself gets into my inkstand.†This quote allows readers to begin to understand his unique writing. There are categories in literature called romantic and anti-romantic literacy. Hawthorne was a man that blended different types of writing styles into one. In one of his works, Hawthorne begins to bewildered the reader due to his mixing of styled prose, causing a controversy when placing him into a group.When trying to place Hawthorne into a particular literacy category such as romantic or anti-romantic, the reader crosses literary lines, creating a blurred picture rather than a clear one-sided style. After reading Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment, the reader†¦show more content†¦At first, it lay lightly on the surface of the fluid, appearing to imbibe none of its moisture. Soon, however, a singular change began to be visible.†Another characteristic of romantic writing was that al l of the characters used in Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment were of the common man mold. The beginning of the story described the characters as, â€Å"that very singular man, old Dr. Heidegger, once invited four venerable friends to meet him in his study. There were three white-bearded gentlemen, Mr. Medbourne, Colonel Killigrew, and Mr. Gascoigne, and a withered gentlewoman, whose name was the Widow of Wycherley.†The people were described as typical elderly members of a community, creating a picture of weak and weathered due to hard living. Although there was a lot of romantic evidence in this short story, Hawthorne also showed the use of anti-romantic literature. Using evilness, Hawthorne s writing helps lead readers into the anti-romantic era. We as readers, were told of a story in which a man tests his friends with water from the Fountain of Youth. The greediness of the â€Å"four venerable and melcahancy old creatures†makes the reader feel that evil is in e very common man;in fact, greed has been proven to show darkness within a soul. Within the story it said, â€Å"Give us more of this wondrous water! Cried them eagerly. â€Å"We are younger--but we are still too old! Quick-- give us more!†Their want leads theShow MoreRelatedThe Birthmark Analysis1198 Words  | 5 PagesThe Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a dark romantic short story based in the nineteenth century. The short story highlights the relationship between Aylmer and Georgiana as well as the dynamics of the different personality types between the two. Nathaniel Hawthorne uses Aylmer as well as Georgiana an example of tragic flaws to further the conflict in the story. A tragic flaw is a literary device found within The Birthmark. â€Å"Tragic flaw is a literary device that can be defined as a trait in aRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne: A Brief Biography1277 Words  | 6 Pages On July 4, 1804, an author by the name of Nathaniel Hawthorne was born (Meltzer). As Hawthorne grew, he began to develop a view of himself as â€Å"the obscurest man in American letters.†Through the use of popular themes such as isolation, guilt, and earthly imperfection, Hawthorne was able to involve much of his life and ancestral past in his work to answer his own political and religious wonders (â€Å"Nathaniel†). Hawthorne successfully â€Å"confronts reality rather than evading it†in many of his storiesRead MoreMika Hulley. English. February 6, 2017. . Literary Analysis1283 Words  | 6 PagesMika Hulley English February 6, 2017 Literary Analysis of â€Å"Dr Heidegger’s Experiment†In the short story â€Å"Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment†by Nathaniel Hawthorne, there is a great deal of literary elements used to enhance the story. For example, imagery is used to draw the reader s attention further into the story by having them see it happening in their head and allegory is used to pull the reader away from the story by referencing things that happened somewhere else. While these two literary elementsRead MoreThe Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay1615 Words  | 7 PagesA birthmark as referred to in this short story is the â€Å"Differences of temperament†, the inborn traits someone can develop. In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark there are many different themes such as, nature versus science, and perfection. We see Aylmer struggle with his own temperament. For him the birthmark becomes the symbol of Georgiana’s flawed humanity, which he tries to alternate. Throughout the story, we come across several observances of otherness rev olving around â€Å"The Birthmark†. AylmerRead MoreMistakes in Dr. Heideggers Experiment by Nathaniel Hawthorne866 Words  | 4 PagesIn his short story Dr. Heideggers Experiment, Nathaniel Hawthorne makes a point to grant all of the characters varying human vices to try and instill in the reader a lesson about learning from their mistakes. When the reader is first introduced to Dr. Heidegger and his guests, the author gives some background on all of the characters. It becomes clear that Mr. Medbourne is known for his love of money, Widow Wycherly for her pride, Colonel Killigrew for lusting after sinful pleasures, and Mr. GascoigneRead MoreThe Fire Side Poets from the Romantic Period of Literature Appreciate Nature586 Words  | 3 PagesThe Romantic period in American Literature dates from 1800-1860. It was a time where people were trying to find a distinctive voice. The Romantic period included letters, poems, essays, books, and art. Most of the authors focused on feelings, which is why its called the â€Å"Ro mantic†period. The authors can be put into four different groups, The fire side poets, The Transcendentalist, American Gothic, and The Early Romantics. The fire side authors had an appreciation for nature. Poems were readRead MoreGuilt vs. Innocence, Allegories, Puritanism in Nathaniel Hawthorne2423 Words  | 10 Pagesï » ¿Sabrina Bullock Professor Erin Whitford American Literature I (409) 18 August 2013 (SumII) Grade: 88 Guilt vs. Innocence, Allegories, Puritanism in Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne was a nineteenth century American writer that was born in Massachusetts with a Puritan Heritage. â€Å"Born in Massachusetts on the Fourth of July, 1804, he was the descendant of Puritan worthies and the son of a ship’s captain who died at sea in 1808†(Gollin). Allegories are portrayed in his writings to depictRead More Solitude and Isolation of Hawthorne and Young Goodman Brown Essay2003 Words  | 9 Pages        In the Nathaniel Hawthorne tale, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†we see and feel the solitude/isolation of the protagonist, Goodman. Is this solitude not a reflection of the very life of the author? At the very outset of the tale we see a purposeful secretiveness if not outright deception by Goodman Brown when his wife of three months pleads with him to stay home on this particular night: Dearest heart, whispered she, softly and rather sadly, when her lips were close to his ear, prytheeRead MoreObsessions Always Have Meanings Essay1218 Words  | 5 PagesIn the stories â€Å"The Birthmark†by Nathaniel Hawthorne and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, they are similar because they both deal with the wives being obsessed with something. Also in both stories their husbands are concerned and want to help them with their obsessions. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Shadow Kiss Chapter 5 Free Essays
Five MOST DISCIPLINARY ISSUES AT the Academy went to Headmistress Kirova. She oversaw Moroi and dhampirs alike and was known for her creative and oft-used repertoire of punishments. She wasn’t cruel, exactly, but she wasn’t soft, either. We will write a custom essay sample on Shadow Kiss Chapter 5 or any similar topic only for you Order Now She simply took student behavior seriously and dealt with it as she saw fit. There were some issues, however, that were beyond her jurisdiction. The school’s guardians calling together a disciplinary committee wasn’t unheard of, but it was very, very rare. You had to do something pretty serious to piss them off to get that sort of response. Like, say, willfully endangering a Moroi. Or hypothetically willfully endangering a Moroi. â€Å"For the last time,†I growled, â€Å"I didn’t do it on purpose.†I sat in one of the guardians’ meeting rooms, facing my committee: Alberta, Emil, and one of the other rare female guardians on campus, Celeste. They sat at a long table, looking imposing, while I sat in a single chair and felt very vulnerable. Several other guardians were sitting in and watching, but thankfully, none of my classmates were there to see this humiliation. Dimitri was among the watchers. He was not on the committee, and I wondered if they’d kept him off because of his potentially biased role as my mentor. â€Å"Miss Hathaway,†said Alberta, fully in her strict-captain mode, â€Å"you must know why we have a hard time believing that.†Celeste nodded. â€Å"Guardian Alto saw you. You refused to protect two Moroi – including the one whose protection you were specifically assigned to.†â€Å"I didn’t refuse!†I exclaimed. â€Å"I†¦ fumbled.†â€Å"That wasn’t a fumble,†said Stan from the watchers. He glanced at Alberta for permission to speak. â€Å"May I?†She nodded, and he turned back to me. â€Å"If you’d blocked or attacked me and then messed up, that would be a fumble. But you didn’t block. You didn’t attack. You didn’t even try. You just stood there like a statue and did nothing.†Understandably, I was outraged. The thought that I would purposely leave Christian and Brandon to be â€Å"killed†by a Strigoi was ridiculous. But what could I do? I either confessed to screwing up majorly or to having seen a ghost. Neither option was appealing, but I had to cut my losses. One made me look incompetent. The other made me look insane. I didn’t want to be associated with either of those. I much preferred my usual description of â€Å"reckless†and â€Å"disruptive.†â€Å"Why am I getting in trouble for messing up?†I asked tightly. â€Å"I mean, I saw Ryan mess up earlier. He didn’t get in trouble. Isn’t that the point of this whole exercise? Practice? If we were perfect, you’d already have unleashed us upon the world!†â€Å"Weren’t you listening?†said Stan. I swore I could see a vein throbbing in his forehead. I think he was the only one there as upset as I was. At the very least, he was the only one (aside from me) showing his emotions. The others wore poker faces, but then, none of them had witnessed what had happened. If I’d been in Stan’s place, I might have thought the worst of me too. â€Å"You didn’t mess up, because ‘messing up’ implies that you have to actually do something.†â€Å"Okay, then. I froze.†I looked at him defiantly. â€Å"Does that count as messing up? I cracked under the pressure and blanked out. It turns out I wasn’t prepared. The moment came, and I panicked. It happens to novices all the time.†â€Å"To a novice who has already killed Strigoi?†asked Emil. He was from Romania, his accent a bit thicker than Dimitri’s Russian one. It wasn’t nearly as nice, though. â€Å"It seems unlikely.†I dealt out glares to him and everyone else in the room. â€Å"Oh, I see. After one incident, I’m now expected to be an expert Strigoi killer? I can’t panic or be afraid or anything? Makes sense. Thanks, guys. Fair. Real fair.†I slumped back in my seat, arms crossed over my chest. There was no need to fake bitchy defiance. I had plenty of it to dish out. Alberta sighed and leaned forward. â€Å"We’re arguing semantics. Technicalities aren’t the point here. What’s important is that this morning, you made it very clear you did not want to guard Christian Ozera. In fact †¦ I think you even said you wanted us to be sure we knew that you were doing it against your will and that we’d soon see what a horrible idea it was.†Ugh. I had said that. Honestly, what had I been thinking? â€Å"And then, when your first test comes around, we find you completely and utterly unresponsive.†I nearly flew out of my chair. â€Å"That’s what this is about? You think I didn’t protect him because of some kind of weird revenge thing?†All three of them stared at me expectantly. â€Å"You aren’t exactly known for calmly and gracefully accepting things you don’t like,†she replied wryly. This time, I did stand up, pointing my finger at her accusingly. â€Å"Not true. I have followed every rule Kirova laid down for me since coming back here. I’ve gone to every practice and obeyed every curfew.†Well, I’d fudged some of the curfews but not willfully. It had always been for the greater good. â€Å"There’s no reason I’d do this as some kind of revenge! What good would it do? Sta – Guardian Alto wasn’t going to really hurt Christian, so it’s not like I’d get to see him punched or anything. The only thing I would accomplish is getting dragged into the middle of something like this and possibly facing removal from the field experience.†â€Å"You are facing removal from the field experience,†replied Celeste flatly. â€Å"Oh.†I sat down, suddenly not feeling as bold. Silence hung in the room for several moments, and then I heard Dimitri’s voice speak from behind me. â€Å"She has a point,†he said. My heart thumped loudly in my chest. Dimitri knew I wouldn’t take revenge like that. He didn’t think I was petty. â€Å"If she were going to protest or take revenge, she’d do it in a different way.†Well, not too petty, at least. Celeste frowned. â€Å"Yes, but after the scene she made this morning†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Dimitri took a few steps forward and stood beside my chair. Having his solid presence nearby comforted me. I had a flash of d? ¦j? ¤ vu, back to when Lissa and I had returned to the Academy last autumn. Headmistress Kirova had nearly expelled me, and Dimitri had stood up for me then too. â€Å"This is all circumstantial,†he said. â€Å"Regardless of how suspicious you think it looks, there’s no proof. Removing her from the experience – and essentially ruining her graduation – is a bit extreme without any certainties.†The committee looked thoughtful, and I focused my attention on Alberta. She had the most power here. I’d always liked her, and in our time together, she’d been strict but always scrupulously fair. I hoped that would still hold true. She beckoned Celeste and Emil toward her, and the other two guardians leaned closer. They had a whispered conference. Alberta gave a resigned nod, and the others leaned back. â€Å"Miss Hathaway, do you have anything you’d like to say before we tell you our conclusions?†That I’d like to say? Hell, yeah. There were tons of things. I wanted to say that I wasn’t incompetent. I wanted to tell them that I was one of the best novices here. I wanted to tell them that I had seen Stan coming and had been on the verge of reacting. I especially wanted to tell them that I didn’t want to have this mark on my record. Even if I stayed in the field experience, I’d essentially have an F for this first test. It would affect my overall grade, which could subsequently affect my future. But again, what choice did I have? Tell them that I’d seen a ghost? The ghost of a guy who’d had a major crush on me and who had quite likely died because of that crush? I still didn’t know what was going on with these sightings. One time I could write off to exhaustion†¦but I’d seen him – or it – twice now. Was he real? My higher reasoning said no, but honestly, it didn’t matter at the moment. If he was real and I told them, they’d think I was crazy. If he wasn’t real and I told them, they’d think I was crazy – and they’d be right. I couldn’t win here. â€Å"No, Guardian Petrov,†I said, hoping I sounded meek. â€Å"Nothing more to add.†â€Å"All right,†she said wearily. â€Å"Here’s what we’ve decided. You’re lucky you have Guardian Belikov to advocate for you, or this decision might have been different. We’re giving you the benefit of the doubt. You’ll go on with the field experience and continue to guard Mr. Ozera. You’ll just be on a probation of sorts.†â€Å"That’s okay,†I said. I’d been on probation for most of my academic life. â€Å"Thank you.†â€Å"And,†she added. Uh-oh. â€Å"Because the suspicion isn’t entirely removed, you’ll be spending your day off this week doing community service.†I jumped out of my chair again. â€Å"What?†Dimitri’s hand wrapped around my wrist, his fingers warm and controlling. â€Å"Sit down,†he murmured in my ear, tugging me toward the chair. â€Å"Take what you can get.†â€Å"If that’s a problem, we can make it next week too,†warned Celeste. â€Å"And the next five after that.†I sat down and shook my head. â€Å"I’m sorry. Thank you.†The hearing dispersed, and I was left feeling weary and beaten. Had only one day gone by? Surely the happy excitement I’d felt before the field experience had been weeks ago and not this morning. Alberta told me to go find Christian, but Dimitri asked if he could have some time alone with me. She agreed, no doubt hoping he’d set me on the straight and narrow. The room emptied, and I thought he’d sit and talk to me then and there, but instead he walked over to a small table that held a water dispenser, coffee, and other beverages. â€Å"You want some hot chocolate?†he asked. I hadn’t expected that. â€Å"Sure.†He dumped four packets of instant hot chocolate into two Styrofoam cups and then added in hot water. â€Å"Doubling it is the secret,†he said when the cups were full. He handed me mine, along with a wooden stirrer, and then walked toward a side door. Presuming I was supposed to follow him, I scurried to catch up without spilling my hot chocolate. â€Å"Where are we – oh.†I stepped through the doorway and found myself in a little glass-enclosed porch filled with small patio tables. I’d had no idea this porch was adjacent to the meeting room, but then, this was the building the guardians conducted all campus business out of. Novices were rarely allowed. I also hadn’t realized the building was built around a small courtyard, which was what this porch looked out to. In the summer, I imagined one could open the windows and be surrounded in greenery and warm air. Now, encased in glass and frost, I felt like I was in some kind of an ice palace. Dimitri swept his hand over a chair, brushing off dust. I did the same and sat down opposite him. Apparently this room didn’t see a lot of use in the winter. Because it was enclosed, the room was warmer than outdoors, but it wasn’t heated otherwise. The air felt chilly, and I warmed my hands on my cup. Silence fell between Dimitri and me. The only noise came from me blowing on my hot chocolate. He drank his right away. He’d been killing Strigoi for years. What was a little scalding water here and there? As we sat, and the quiet grew, I studied him over the edge of my cup. He wasn’t looking at me, but I knew he knew I was watching. Like every other time I looked at him, I was always struck by his looks first. The soft dark hair that he often tucked behind his ears without realizing it, hair that never quite wanted to stay in its tie at the back of his neck. His eyes were brown too, somehow gentle and fierce at the same time. His lips had that same contradictory quality, I realized. When he was fighting or dealing with something grim, those lips would flatten and turn hard. But in lighter times †¦ when he laughed or kissed†¦well, then they’d become soft and wonderful. Today, more than his exterior hit me. I felt warm and safe just being with him. He brought comfort after my terrible day. So often with other people, I felt a need to be the center of attention, to be funny and always have something clever to say. It was a habit I needed to shake to be a guardian, seeing as that job required so much silence. But with Dimitri, I never felt like I had to be anything more than what I already was. I didn’t have to entertain him or think up jokes or even flirt. It was enough to just be together, to be so completely comfortable in each other’s presence – smoldering sexual tension aside – that we lost all sense of self-consciousness. I exhaled and drank my cocoa. â€Å"What happened out there?†he asked at last, meeting my gaze. â€Å"You didn’t crack under the pressure.†His voice was curious, not accusatory. He wasn’t treating me as a student right now, I realized. He was regarding me as an equal. He simply wanted to know what was going on with me. There was no discipline or lecturing here. And that just made it all the worse when I had to lie to him. â€Å"Of course it was,†I told him, looking down into my cup. â€Å"Unless you believe I really did let Stan ‘attack’ Christian.†â€Å"No,†he said. â€Å"I don’t believe that. I never did. I knew you’d be unhappy when you found out about the assignments, but I never once doubted that you’d do what you’d have to for this. I knew you wouldn’t let your personal feelings get in the way of your duty.†I looked up again and met his eyes, so full of faith and absolute confidence in me. â€Å"I didn’t. I was mad†¦Still am a little. But once I said I’d do it, I meant it. And after spending some time with him†¦well, I don’t hate him. I actually think he’s good for Lissa, and he cares about her, so I can’t get upset about that. He and I just clash sometimes, that’s all†¦ but we did really well together against the Strigoi. I remembered that while I was with him today, and arguing against this assignment just seemed stupid. So I decided to do the best job I could.†I hadn’t meant to talk so much, but it felt good to let out what was inside of me, and the look on Dimitri’s face would have gotten me to say anything. Almost anything. â€Å"What happened then?†he asked. â€Å"With Stan?†I averted my eyes and played with my cup again. I hated keeping things from him, but I couldn’t tell him about this. In the human world, vampires and dhampirs were creatures of myth and legend – bedtime stories to scare children. Humans didn’t know we were real and walking the earth. But just because we were real didn’t mean that every other story-time paranormal creature was. We knew that and had our own myths and bedtime stories about things we didn’t believe in. Werewolves. Bogeymen. Ghosts. Ghosts played no real role in our culture, short of being fodder for pranks and campfire tales. Ghosts inevitably came up on Halloween, and some legends endured over the years. But in real life? No ghosts. If you came back after death, it was because you were a Strigoi. At least, that’s what I’d always been taught. I honestly didn’t know enough now to say what was going on. Me imagining Mason seemed more likely than him being a true ghost, but man, that meant I might seriously be heading into crazy territory. All this time I’d worried about Lissa losing it. Who had known it might be me? Dimitri was still watching me, waiting for an answer. â€Å"I don’t know what happened out there. My intentions were good †¦ I just†¦ I just messed up.†â€Å"Rose. You’re a terrible liar.†I glanced up. â€Å"No, I’m not. I’ve told a lot of good lies in my life. People have believed them.†He smiled slightly. â€Å"I’m sure. But it doesn’t work with me. For one thing, you won’t look me in the eye. As for the other†¦ I don’t know. I can just tell.†Damn. He could tell. He just knew me that well. I stood up and moved to the door, keeping my back to him. Normally, I treasured every minute with him, but I couldn’t stick around today. I hated lying, but I didn’t want to tell the truth either. I had to leave. â€Å"Look, I appreciate you being worried about me†¦but really, it’s okay. I just messed up. I’m embarrassed about it – and sorry I put your awesome training to shame – but I’ll rebound. Next time, Stan’s ass is mine.†I hadn’t even heard him get up, but suddenly, Dimitri was right behind me. He placed a hand on my shoulder, and I froze in front of the door leading out. He didn’t touch me anywhere else. He didn’t try to pull me closer. But, oh, that one hand on my shoulder held all the power in the world. â€Å"Rose,†he said, and I knew he was no longer smiling. â€Å"I don’t know why you’re lying, but I know you wouldn’t do it without a good reason. And if there’s something wrong – something you’re afraid to tell the others – â€Å" I spun around rapidly, somehow managing to pivot in place in such a way that his hand never moved yet ended up on my other shoulder. â€Å"I’m not afraid,†I cried. â€Å"I do have my reasons, and believe me, what happened with Stan was nothing. Really. All of this is just something stupid that got blown out of proportion. Don’t feel sorry for me or feel like you have to do anything. What happened sucks, but I’ll just roll with it and take the black mark. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll take care of me.†It took all of my strength just then not to shake. How had this day gotten so bizarre and out of control? Dimitri didn’t say anything. He just looked down at me, and the expression on his face was one I’d never seen before. I couldn’t interpret it. Was he mad? Disapproving? I just couldn’t tell. The fingers on my shoulder tightened slightly and then relaxed. â€Å"You don’t have to do this alone,†he said at last. He sounded almost wistful, which made no sense. He was the one who’d been telling me for so long that I needed to be strong. I wanted to throw myself into his arms just then, but I knew I couldn’t. I couldn’t help a smile. â€Å"You say that†¦but tell me the truth. Do you go running to others when you have problems?†â€Å"That’s the not the same – â€Å" â€Å"Answer the question, comrade.†â€Å"Don’t call me that.†â€Å"And don’t avoid the question either.†â€Å"No,†he said. â€Å"I try to deal with my problems on my own.†I slipped away from his hand. â€Å"See?†â€Å"But you have a lot of people in your life you can trust, people who care about you. That changes things.†I looked at him in surprise. â€Å"You don’t have people who care about you?†He frowned, obviously rethinking his words. â€Å"Well, I’ve always had good people in my life†¦and there have been people who cared about me. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I could trust them or tell them everything.†I was often so distracted by the weirdness of our relationship that I rarely thought about Dimitri as someone with a life away from me. He was respected by everyone on campus. Teachers and students alike knew him as one of the deadliest guardians here. Whenever we ran into guardians from outside the school, they always seemed to know and respect him too. But I couldn’t recall ever having seen him in any sort of social setting. He didn’t appear to have any close friends among the other guardians – just coworkers he liked. The friendliest I’d ever seen him get with someone had been when Christian’s aunt, Tasha Ozera, visited. They’d known each other for a long time, but even that hadn’t been enough for Dimitri to pursue once her visit was over. Dimitri was alone an awful lot, I realized, content to hole up with his cowboy novels when not working. I felt alone a lot, but in truth, I was almost always surrounded by people. With him being my teacher, I tended to view things as one-sided: He was the one always giving me something, be it advice or instruction. But I gave him something too, something harder to define – a connection with another person. â€Å"Do you trust me?†I asked him. The hesitation was brief. â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"Then trust me now, and don’t worry about me just this once.†I stepped away, out of the reach of his arm, and he didn’t say anything more or try to stop me. Cutting through the room that I’d had the hearing in, I headed for the building’s main exit, tossing the remnants of my hot chocolate in a garbage can as I walked past. How to cite Shadow Kiss Chapter 5, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
A Strong Woman free essay sample
There is one special person in my life; her name is Patricia Ann. Patricia is my grandmother, my mother, and my best friend. I live with my grandmother due to my mother’s problems. Patricia is 73 years old and has raised 6 children in her life time; her son, two daughters, and her three granddaughters. I am the last and most difficult by far. Raising a teenager at age 73 takes phenomenal strength, a ton of wisdom, and an endless amount of patience. Patricia has undoubtedly more patience than anyone else I have ever met. Patricia struggles with knowing when to be my mother and when to be my grandmother. She takes on the role of my mother most of the time. When I ask to do something and she gives me an answer, she stands behind her decision. When I misbehave and she says I am grounded, I am grounded; there is no changing her decision. We will write a custom essay sample on A Strong Woman or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My groundings consist of more work added on to my list of chores for every week, my cellular device being taken away, no activities with friends, and worst of all no set limit for it to end. Patricia is my best friend in more ways than one. She almost always listens to me when I need to talk, no matter what the situation is. She can tell when something is bothering me the second I walk through the door and waits for me to be ready to talk about it. Patricia may be an elderly woman on the outside, but she has a young spirit within her that shines through to me every day. Patricia is a funny person but knows when humor is appropriate and when seriousness is needed; this quality is what I appreciate most. If I did not have Patricia AnnI would not be the person I am today. She is more than one person to me: my grandmother, my mother, and my best friend. Nonetheless, I would not want anyone else to fill those shoes than the strong woman named Patricia Ann.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Transition Elements Essays (419 words) - Periodic Table,
Transition Elements Transition Elements, series of chemical elements that share similar electron orbital structures and hence similar chemical properties. The transition elements are commonly defined as the 30 elements with atomic numbers 21 to 30, 39 to 48, and 71 to 80. The transition elements exhibit multiple valences or oxidation states typically ranging from +1 to +8 in compounds. In organometallic compounds, consisting of metals bonded to organic species, transition metals sometimes take on negative oxidation states. The transition elements have such typical metallic properties as malleability, ductility, high conductivity of heat and electricity, and metallic luster. They tend to act as reducing agents (donors of electrons), but are less active in this regard than the alkali metals and alkaline earth metals, which have valences of +1 and +2, respectively. There are exceptions, as in the case of mercury (Hg), which is a liquid Transition elements in general have high densities and melting points and exhibit magnetic properties. They form both ionic and covalent bonds with anions (negatively charged ions), and such compounds are in general brightly colored.. They have high electrical conductivity because of delocalization of the s electrons simil ar to what occurs in the alkali and alkaline-earth metals. Another characteristic of the transition metals is the great variety of oxidation states shown in its compounds. Several transition elements and their compounds are important catalysts (see Catalysis) in a variety of industrial processes, especially in the manufacture of petroleum and plastic products, where organic molecules are hydrogenated, oxidized, or polymerized (see Chemical Reaction; Hydrogenation; Polymer). Compounds of titanium, aluminum, or chromium are used in the polymerization of ethylene to form polyethylene. Catalysts containing iron are used in preparing ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen. Molecules containing transition elements are important to the biochemical processes in many living systems, the most familiar example of which is the iron-containing heme complex of hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport in the blood of all vertebrates and some invertebrates. Most transition metals are colored and make some of their ionic compounds colored. This is because they absorb some of the frequencies of white light. This is attributed to electronic transitions in the d subshell, separating them into different levels of energy. When light is absorbed, an electron is raised from a lower state to a higher state, giving the rise to color. The stored energy is then dissipated through heat. The transition metals also have complex ionic structures because of the availability of d orbitals for participating in chemical bonding. Science
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Procrastinate and Get Nothing Done - Proofed
How to Procrastinate and Get Nothing Done - Proofed How to Procrastinate and Get Nothing Done Are you getting too much work done? Would you rather spend your time worrying about deadlines? If so, follow our guide on how to procrastinate and watch your productivity drop instantly! The circle of procrastination. 1. Don’t Plan Anything If you really want to get nothing done, the last thing you need is a plan. After all, planning your working day will help you manage your time effectively and give you a sense of your overall progress. Instead, take on various tasks at random, regardless of how important or difficult they might be. If you’re lucky, you’ll get bogged down in something pointless and complex! 2. Find a Chaotic Environment It is much easier to be productive if you have a calm and controlled work environment. Ideally, this should be somewhere quiet and comfortable, with everything you need easily accessible nearby. However, if you’re looking to procrastinate, we suggest doing your work somewhere busy, uncomfortable, and noisy, such as a coffee shop during the lunchtime rush or a busy airport lounge. Yup. This seems like a good place to get work done.(Photo: Josh Hallett/flickr) 3. Check Twitter Constantly It goes without saying that social media is much more interesting than work. After all, why would you want to do anything useful when you could procrastinate by spending hours arguing with anonymous online strangers about whether Marvel or DC make the best superhero movies? And don’t forget that there is more to the internet than just Twitter and Facebook! There are literally thousands of ways to waste time online, so the procrastination opportunities are infinite. You can run, but your followers will find you eventually!(Image: Alan ORourke) 4. Blame Yourself Perhaps you’re already behind with your work. Well, now is the time to self-recriminate for your lack of productivity. By focusing on what you should have done so far instead of what you could do next, you can guarantee that you won’t get anything useful done soon! 5. Try to Do Everything by Yourself When people work together, they are much more likely to get stuff done. And if you can ask a friend or a colleague for help with something difficult, you will find it much easier to achieve your goals. This is why the true procrastinator always works alone. If you try to take on every task by yourself with no assistance from anyone, any progress you do make will be slow and stressful. A Final Piece of Advice†¦ Of course, if you actually want to get some work done, we recommend doing the opposite to everything we’ve said above. So, if you want to avoid procrastination, you can: Plan your work carefully and break it down into simple steps Create a calm, disturbance-free environment Use a website blocker to limit your access to online distractions Reward yourself for good behavior and forgive yourself for mistakes Don’t be afraid to ask for support! And remember that we’re here to help with proofreading, letting you focus on the important stuff.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Analyzing Dr. Martin Luther King And Malcolm X Vision For Equality And Freedom From Racism In The 1950s And 70s
Analyzing Dr. Martin Luther King And Malcolm X Vision For Equality And Freedom From Racism In The 1950s And 70s Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr both had a vision of equality and freedom from oppression for the African-Americans during the 1950s to 1970s. Although sharing a vision, they differed in background, religion, and opinions whether racial inequality should be approached with active and immediate change making (Haley Malcolm X, 2001) or with passive change making and peace. King and Malcolm X grew up in disparate backgrounds. Malcolm X (originally Malcolm little) was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19 1925. He grew up with 7 siblings and a father (Earl Little) who was a Baptist minister and took part in civil rights activism (Haley Malcolm X). His father was under constant death threats from his activist movements and therefore his family was regularly moving until his house in Michigan was burnt down and his father killed by white supremacists (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). As a result, his mother was sent to a mental institution when suffering an emotional breakdown (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). Malcolm and his siblings were split among various orphanages and foster homes (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). At his age of 20, 1946, Malcolm was sentenced 10 years in prison for burglary but was released after 7 years on parole for good behavior (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). While he was in prison, he developed a curiosity for teachings of Nations of Islam (NOI) leader Elijah M uhammad. By 1952 Malcolm was a devoted Muslim with a new surname ‘X’ as he considered ‘Little’ as a slave name (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). Later, owing to his outstanding leadership characters, he was appointed as a minister and national spokesman for the NOI (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). He manipulated the media well to spread the teaching of the NOI, increased the NOI’s membership from 500 to 30000 in 11 years and found the Muslim Mosque, Inc. (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15 1929, Atlanta Georgia. He grew up in a stable family with his 2 siblings and his father also a Baptist minister who protested against segregation. Although suffering depression during his teenage years and made a suicide attempt, he received a substantial high school education and graduated college with a B.A degree in sociology, later received a Bachelor of Divinity and a Ph.D. degree on 1955. He decided to serve as a Baptist minister as he had an â€Å"inner urge to serve the humanity†(Wikipedia, Martin Luther King Jr) King and Malcolm X differed in the context of their teaching. King encouraged his followers to follow a non-violent approach towards equality and show love and understanding for their enemies which was to result in a racially harmonized and a peaceful society (i.e. the ‘Brotherhood’). On the contrary, Malcolm X had ideas of non-violent approach being a deception to keep black people under oppression and being defenseless. He believed in a society of black supremacy and separatism. King and Malcolm X had contrasted in the methods of approach towards equality. King organized several boycotts and demonstrations with the emphasis on peace and non-violence as he believed that violence is self-defeating and also said, quoting the Bible: 2) â€Å"those who live by the sword will perish by the sword†in the Montgomery Bus Boycott interview. For example: ‘Montgomery Bus Boycott’, and ‘Freedom Rides’ were protests where, under King’s lead, violence and retaliation were in absence. In contrast, Malcolm X urged his followers to defend themselves against aggression â€Å"by any means necessary†. Malcolm X also said (during an interview at the University of California, Berkeley) 3) â€Å"send the guerrillas to Mississippi†so that the black victims of violence can have armed protection. King and Malcolm X had differed in their attitudes towards the white people who oppressed them as they differed in religion and thought. King (based on his Christian faith and Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent resistance) had an attitude of forgiveness, brotherhood and 1) â€Å"turning the other cheek†(bio, Martin Luther King Jr. Biography, 2016) (i.e. not resisting or revenging your enemies but letting them do what they do). Hence King had an attitude of love, forgiveness and acceptance towards those who oppressed the black people. On the other hand, Malcolm X (as he was taught by an Islam leader, Elijah Muhammad) saw the white men as the evils that, his God, ‘Allah’ would later destroy and punish. Hence, he saw the black people as superior and people who need to be separated from the white people. Therefore he had a bitter attitude towards any white people as he believed in black supremacy and as he said: â€Å"he’s (white man) only brotherly when he wants to exploit you, exploit, oppress.†(YouTube, MALCOLM X INTERVIEW AT UC BERKELEY) King and Malcolm X took part in movement groups with opposing ideas. King was a member of ‘The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee’ (SNCC), ‘Southern Christian Leadership Conference’ (SCLC) and ‘National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People’ (NAACP). These organizations were non-violent, peaceful groups that mostly organized peaceful marches. In contrast, Malcolm X was a part of the ‘Nation of Islam’ (NOI) until he left in 1964 with intentions to create Black Nationalist party. Although he didn’t take part, he supported the idea of ‘Black Power’ movement for its idea of retaliation for self-defense. King and Malcolm X had a similarity in their goals of ending oppression for the black people. Malcolm X, as it says in his autobiography: â€Å"My ultimate goal is to bring about freedom, equality, and justice for black people in USA, complete respect and recognition as human beings.†(Haley Malcolm X 2001) Therefore Malcolm X wants justice and equality. King, as he said in his I have a dream speech: â€Å"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.†Hence he calls for equality. He also said: â€Å"I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.†(American Rhetoric, Martin Luther King Jr. I have a Dream) Here he calls for freedom and justice. Therefore, both Malcolm X and King had a vision of justice, freedom and equality for the oppressed black people in the USA. Malcolm X and King, although very different, both worked towards civil equality based on the teachings they had interest in and which they studied thoroughly and taught their beliefs on how equality was to be achieved through media and public speeches . Malcolm X was inspired by the NOI leader, Elijah Muhammad’s mentoring of white people being the evils of the world as the white society aspired to keep black people from achieving political, social and economic success (Haley Malcolm X, 2001). This set him on a mindset of retaliation, achieving equality â€Å"by any means necessary†(Haley Malcolm X, 2001) and a sense of black superiority. King studied Mohandas Gandhi’s resistance method of non-violence and non-retaliation (i.e. Gandhian technique) which was successful during the British oppression in India from 1800s. Also as a minister, King took in the Christian concept of non-retaliation (i.e. 1) â€Å"turning the other cheek†) (English-Korean study B ible Matthew 5.39). The Gandhian technique and his Christian belief gave King the confidence in power of love for the enemy, and the attitude of 1) â€Å"turning the other cheek†In conclusion, as Malcolm X and King both wanted equality for the oppressed African-Americans, they approached their vision in contrasting methods and beliefs. It was obvious that they differed in opinion as they experienced opposing childhoods, backgrounds, studies and religion. But they both aspired to achieve a free, justified and equal society for everyone in America by spreading their ideas using media and speeches. Addendum By â€Å"turning the other cheek†in page 3 and 4, it means that when someone slaps you in your cheek let them slap the other side by turning the other cheek. This was from one of the teachings from Jesus Christ. He figuratively meant that when someone attacks you or harm you, don’t retaliate but rather let them do what they do because retaliation would only bring even more violence and harm, create enemies, and also because revenge is up to God (Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for Gods wrath, for it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. Romans 12:19) On page 2 and 3, the phrase â€Å"Those who live by the sword will perish by the sword†is a verse from Jeremiah 44:12. This verse summarizes up King’s attitude towards achieving equality as the verse means that those who work their way with injustice, violence or any other deceiving methods will come to a downfall from the same method. Hence King believed that should civil equality be achieved by violence and retaliation the equality would soon be disturbed by violence and retaliation. â€Å"Send the guerrillas to Mississippi†on page 3 was a statement made by Malcolm X. By guerrillas he probably meant the armed civilian Black Power workers. He said this as he was aware of the brutality that African-Americans were receiving in Mississippi, a Southern state in the US, and as he wanted to stop the brutality.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Compare 2 Films Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Compare 2 Films - Term Paper Example Perhaps most notable among the two films is that they embody the underlining touches of the auteur. Auteur theory was perhaps most seminally articulated by Andrew Sarris in his Notes on Auteur Theory. In this essay he considers earlier formulations of the auteur theory, dating back to its consideration by Andre Bazin in Cahiers du Cinema who indicated that while cinema, as compared to painting or the novel form, is more a collaborative element, there is nonetheless a distinct feature of artistry that can be tied to the individual director. In comparing him to director George Cukor, Sarris even speaks of the auteur tendencies of Ingmar Bergman. Sarris extends this articulation, adding his own theoretical elements. He states, â€Å"Over a group of films a director of films, a director must exhibit certain recurring characteristics of style, which serve as his signature. The way a film looks and moves should have some relationship to the way a director thinks and feels†(Sarris, pg. 662). Sarris goes on to further elaborate on this theoretical formulation by indicating that the films of an auteur explore a certain personal concern that he equates to some degree with the singular aspect of the soul. It follows that auteur theory consists of both the external elements of technique, and the internal elements of personal vision. One of the primary elements of the auteur is that their personal style and vision is not expressed simply through one film, but comes to be a characteristic element throughout their work. Ingmar Bergmans work clearly meets this criteria. As one examines another of Bergmans seminal films – the Seventh Seal – in regards to Bressons work in the Trial of Joan of Arc its clear that there are both stylistic and thematic tendencies that demonstrate the films as elements of an auteur in the classic sense. In considering the Seventh Seal
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Short answers for questions ( no topic) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Short answers for questions ( no topic) - Essay Example Their similarity is they both value education but differ in what makes education valuable. In the case of Jensen, education is merely a step for getting a job while for Wallace, education s real purpose is to allow people to live real lives by being simply aware of things around them. 2. The walking journeys of Cheryl Strayed (â€Å"Wild†) and Andrew Forstaffle (in â€Å"Walking Across America: Advice for a Young Man†) are both epic travels in themselves and are not easily imitated because of the tremendous distances and challenges involved. But Strayed made her journey to redeem and find out herself after her mothers death while the journey made by Forstaffle (sometimes spelled as Forsthoefel) is to find out what Americans think of themselves and of the country in general, sort of a walking survey or questionnaire by interviewing people he met along the way, by listening to them. 3. In the case of Cheryl Strayed, the word â€Å"wild†meant both definitions as she was clear to be addicted to sex and having sex with strangers she met in the trail camps without even knowing them intimately (Wheeler para. 7) and â€Å"wild†for her also meant beyond normal or conventional bounds because she undertook that dangerous journey all by herself, knowing all the risks she is taking because it is a trail less traveled. But Robert Bly has a different meaning intended for the word â€Å"wild†which for him is to allow all men to be wild even at least once in their lives, especially during the critical transition period into adulthood as sort of a rite-of-passage into manhood valued by societies all over the world regardless of ethnicity, what is termed as a cultural universal. In his view, to be wild can be considered as a useful experience for a man, even moral itself. 4. Kenneth Koch in his poem â€Å"You want a social life, with friends†meant any person can have a lively social life and also a romantic social life but never attain any meaningful type of work output because
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Locke and hobbs state of nature Essay Example for Free
Locke and hobbs state of nature Essay ?Exam #1 1. Locks justification of private property can be summed by stating, the earth and all it possess is property to be used by people in common for their own benefit and existence. In Lockes view, every individual must have private property rights In order to possess the property in common. To Locke, property also justifies and gives authority in terms of wages, land, and labor. Also in order to be justified, and individual must not possess more property then can be used for his benefit. This comes about from his dislike of authoritarianism both on the individual, community, and religious levels. Locke dictates that we have a natural right as humans to everything common i. e. : water, air, life liberty and property, (the earth and everything in it is considered property). Everything within the earth is considered commons until labor converts it to private property. But that being said Locke does give limits to private property. Privatization is limited by needs, we must leave enough, and as good for those who need it (though the accumulation of wealth to Locke is a natural right). In other words lock views waste as immoral and the limit of privatization. Other immoral acts to Locke include degrading the commons, and depriving others of their natural right of commons. Today, we have overcome these limits by having a huge income inequality, polluting our world through industry, and by not making full use of property. We degrade our commons through dumping, and polluting our air through industry, and we pass bills to let corporations get away with it easier. That goes the same for the other two; currently we pass legislation that helps corporations exceed Locks natural limits to property. 2. To Hobbs, Human action can be explained in terms of causal relations of material objects, also known as the Mechanism theory. According to Hobbs, a human poses both voluntary and involuntary motions. Involuntary motions can be described as things we subconsciously do all the time without noticing like breathing and thinking without having any external effects. Voluntary motions on the other hand have cause and effect association (Mechanism), and can be broken down into two categories appetites, and aversions. Appetites are morally good things that we want that are executed through the accumulation of power. Aversions are the opposite, morally bad things we avoid that is driven through fear which according to Hobbs, is a primary motivator for us. These two things together shape or basis of morality, in other words what is right and wrong, and how we treat one another in society. Hobbs materialistic explanation dictates we have two primary motivators in life power and fear. Power is the central reason we do things. Acquiring this power to Hobbs is the primary aspect or function in human nature and life. This power leads to our individual ability to execute our appetites and aversions and gives class separation or a hierarchy to society as a whole. It can be broken down into two parts natural and acquired power. Natural is the power you are born with like strength or intellect and it cannot be altered, whereas acquired is things gained like wealth and friends. We do not stop seeking power as humans until we die. Fear is the other primary motivator to Hobbs; this fear can simply be broken down to the constant threat of death in Hobbes view of the human state of nature. We constantly seek to avoid death, (the accumulation of power lowers ones fear of death. To Hobbes, the logical explanation to our human central desires is that without a sovereign and a social contract we as humans in our natural state will always be in conflict, and life will be brutish and short. 3. To Locke the right to revolution can be summed up as our collective right or duty as a people to overthrow a sovereign who does not properly serve us or a community as a whole. Locke does not view the sovereign as a deity, but rather as just another man living amongst people. He does not reside in a state, but rather amongst his subjects. The sovereign in Lockes view serves the people and acts as a trustee that we must consent to through a social contract. In this contract we give all our rights except the natural ones given by god in exchange for protection of our life and private property. Because we give these rights the sovereign reserves the right to punish wrong doing, but this punishment must be held to the context of natural and civil law. The state or sovereign may only be held supreme if it is held to both these laws, and we as a people must erect safeguards to ensure and protect natural law, or our god given rights. It is from these safeguards that if the sovereign does not live up to his end of the contract, and does not act in the communities best interest, we reserve a natural right to overthrow the sovereign, to protect against a self-acting corrupt government that isnt in the interest of the subjects who signed the contract. Hobbs, on the other hand views the sovereign as a deity who only has to answer to god instead of the people because he possess more power. Also, instead of retaining our natural rights, all are given up to the sovereign at the time of the contracts singing. Because of this, the sovereign becomes the law rather than being bound to it because it is his divine right given by god. Hobbs also views government as a leviathan or a scary evil monster that we need in order to not revert to our sate of nature where life is constantly at conflict, brutish, and short. Unlike Locke, Hobbs would never advise overthrowing the sovereign because of fear of instability and returning to the state of nature. Hobbes does assert that one has a natural right to do so, but executing the overthrow brings the risk of being killed by the sovereign (which no rational man would do). Hobbs would not agree to locks right of revolution simply because of fear. 1). Hobbs and lock are two of the most influential philosophers in the realm of state of nature, and social contract theories. Though they come from different time periods, the twos theories differ and relate in different ways. When talking about the human state of nature, Hobbes does not view man as a social animal, and that we cannot exist without a state. He views the state of nature as constantly at violent conflict with one another over the accumulation of property and power, where we have endless rights until the signing of the social contract. Life in the state of nature for man under Hobbs is solitary brutish, and short. With this conflict in mind Hobbs states that no society or sovereign is worst of all because it leaves us in our violent state of nature. He also states that in the state of nature man does not know what is his or someone elses, and property only exists through the will of the state. Thus men are condemned to endless violent conflict over property and power. Morality to Hobbs is merely the command of people, a group or god, and law is just the momentary will of the sovereign. In Hobbess view, the sovereign dictates or is the arbitrator of definitions and are not socially constructed because that would carry no meaning (humans cannot know what is right). Locke on the other hand, views man as a social animal by nature. And in the state of nature men for the most part, kept promises and obligations, and though insecure, it was mostly peaceful and pleasant. In my opinion the state of nature to Locke can best be depicted through Americas past frontier life, where though life was insecure, violent conflicts were often ended by forcible imposition of a just peace on wrong doers, and peace was upheld (for the most part). In Lockes sate of nature, peace and property rights existed in most circumstances. These rights were maintained because it was socially acceptable to punish wrong doing against you because people know what is theirs and inst. Morality to Locke is driven by the basis of morality with appetites and aversions, and lies within society and the individual. Law is used to safeguard property and rights instead of being at the whim of the sovereign. Also, to Locke individuals and society dictates definitions and meanings (which to Hobbs is impossible). Unlike Hobbs, Lockes view of the state of nature leaves the argument that we may not need a sovereign to live, but to enforce law, have property rights, and engage trade one may be required. Lockes view of the social contract dictates that we give up rights to one another (or a community), rather than to the sovereign. In other words you wont take from your peers what you wouldnt want taken form yourself. Although we give up our rights, we retain our right to life and liberty and gain impartial protection of our property (state grants individual rights). In Lockes view of the social contact, the state or sovereign acts as a trustee and serves the people. We receive retribution for property crimes in return for impartial justice backed by force. To Locke to role of the state in social contracts is to ensure justice to wrong doers through force. However, we as a people/community must grant the state/sovereign legitimacy. This legitimacy can only supreme if it is bound by natural and civil law (according to Locke). Locke states, to protect our natural rights we must erect safeguards. It is these safeguards that allow us to abolish a sovereign if he does not serve the people/community, because the sovereign does not live in the state but amongst his subjects. When talking about Hobbes on the other hand, the individual gives up all rights to the sovereign in exchange for the right to live. No matter what the sovereign does, it does not constitute a breach of the social contract (a breach results in death). In other words, there is no right to rebel, even though there is a natural right to do so, no one would out of fear of losing their life (under Locke it is a natural right to rebel). Unlike Lock, under Hobbs the sovereign can do no wrong because lawful and unlawful, good and bad are merely commands based of the sovereigns will. That being said unlike Locke where society creates the state, the state creates society in the image of the rulers will. These two differ immensely in the realm of social contract theory. For the most part Locke agreed with some of Hobbes statements but the twos theories on state of nature and the social contract differ immensely. First off, In the Hobbesian social contract subjects give up all rights in exchange for life to the sovereign whereas, in the Locke contract all rights are given up except the natural rights, to the community. Also, in the Hobbesian contract the sovereign can do no wrong and is right beneath god in the social hierarchy (considered a deity). Locke contrasts this by stating that the sovereignty serves the people as a common man. Furthermore Hobbs states in his contract that society is created by the state in the image of the ruler whereas Locke argues that society creates, and legitimizes the state. The Hobbesian contract is also motivated by fear and Power, and Lock the opposite being motivated by property, and pursuit of wealth in peace. Lastly there is the topic of rebellion, the Locke contract allows for rebellion justified as a right, and the Hobbesian does not for fear of death. To this point I believe Locke provides the more compelling argument mostly because I would rather have the government serve me and have the right to rebel. Additionally I believe we are social creatures by nature, seeking stability, rather then living in constant violent conflict with a short life, and immanent death looming. With consideration to rights and liberty, I would also like to retain some rights rather than have none, and be at the mercy of the sovereign. I do also think that society creates and legitimizes the state instead of the state creating society in the image of the ruler. No matter what the case however, they both provide very compelling arguments that have been used to shape modern political thought.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Lady Macbeth Is More Ruthless :: essays research papers
MACBETH ESSAY In life everyone has goals that they hope to attain and there are many ways that one can achieve these goals. To achieve what you desire you can either wait for time to take its toll, or take matters into your own hands and do what you have to do in order to fulfill your desires. You can attain your goal as long as you have ambition. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had the goal of Macbeth becoming king: to obtain this they took matters into hands and killed Duncan. In order for somebody to commit such a heinous act as murder the conspirators must be ruthless, and this is what Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were, ruthless. Lady Macbeth’s is more ruthless than her spouse and her ruthlessness is what fueled Duncan’s murder. However some may claim that this is not so and that Macbeth is more ruthless than his wife.      â€Å"Present fears are less than horrible imaginings. My thought, whose murder is yet but fantastical, shakes so that my single state of man that function is smoldered I surmise and nothing is but what is not.†Macbeth as you can see is thinking about the witches’ prophecy of him becoming king. Macbeth knows that Duncan must be killed if he wants to acquire the throne, and the thought of Duncan’s murder is very disturbing to him. Macbeth desires to become king, but his ambition is halted when he thinks of the consequences that follow if he were to get his wish. However when Malcolm is chosen to become Prince of Cumberland Macbeth knew that if he did not take any actions then he wouldn’t be king. The reader can see that the ruthlessness that lied in Macbeth is coming out when he says â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland – that is a step On which I must fall down or else o’erleap, For in my way it lies. Despite the fact that Mac beth is a ruthless individual Lady Macbeth makes him look like a saint. After Lady Macbeth reads her husband’s letter she sees an opportunity to become queen that she probably never thought about. Lady Macbeth’s desire for her husband to become king is stronger than Macbeth’s own desire for the throne. After Lady Macbeth learns that Duncan is going to visit Inverness she begins plotting to kill him even though her husband does show hesitation to kill Duncan.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Homeless graduates and Joblessness
Homelessness defines a situation in which a person or a family is living without a home to have their privacy. A home is a basic requirement for every individual to live their life comfortably. It is a place where individual’s basic requirements are fulfilled and provide a healthful environment. In USA it must be a legally owned place to have a safe condition for living. Currently in United States there are many people who are homeless and among them many our graduates and educated people who do not have living. They might be an individual with no other support or a family with not enough resources to rent or buy a house.The term homelessness is not just limited to the meaning of â€Å"without a home†, but it has a very broad meaning covering mostly that population who is without a job, has no living, no support, and might be suffering from health issues. Such homeless graduates either live on streets or shelters. Such people may suffer from a mental illness or ph ysical illness due to lack of safety health measures and support. They may face a number of psychological and physiological problems.JoblessnessThis is the major cause of homeless graduates. They do not get adequate job and earnings to have their own home. Such guys spend their time on streets, bars, shelters, and many other such places. The one or the other way they just waste their time. Joblessness may be due to their low score at school, any kind of disorder, inability to cope with job and inadequate pay.Mental illnessHomeless graduates might be suffering from mental illness and psychological problems like depression, stress, insomnia, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and criminal activities. According to one study around 40% of these homeless graduates suffer from various mental ailments. A number of studies have shown that suicidal rate is also high in such individuals.Drug & alcohol abuseDrug abuse and alcohol abuse are the two major problems with homeless graduates. As they do not have a job and most of their time is wasted in bars and streets they easily get addicted with drugs and alcohol.Due to increasingly stress for work and pay they become psychologically depressed. The only way they find out is to have some kind of addiction in order to forget their worries. Such graduates when start on drugs and alcohol are usually unaware of its damaging outcomes and health hazards.Hospital and medical expenditureDue to excessive health hazards their expenses for stay at the hospital and medicines are also very high. These expenses are usually bear by the shelters where they live or donation by charity organizations.Marital statusTheir marital status is also at doldrums. As they cannot support their spouse and children, they easily get differences with them. Strategies to solve this increasing problem of homelessness is first to give them adequate education to improve their grades in college. Every graduate must be assured of a job after they complete their educat ion. Graduates can be hired as trainee at first to give them proper training after school to get acquainted with their job. Homeless graduates must have enough support that should cover their health problems. In addition, their environment must be safe enough in order to prevent any health hazards.Educating such people about hazards of drug and alcohol abuse:As they’re not aware of the damaging effects of drugs and alcohol they start consuming them in abundance. Later when they encounter several health problems it becomes really problematic for the shelter supporting staff and the individual himself to manage health issues. If measures will be taken to inform them about the dangerous effects of drugs and alcohol then heavy costs of treatment can be saved.The reason for writing this letter is to bring to your awareness these problems in homeless people is every growing. It must be noted that if the concerned authorities do not take appropriate measure to stop this pro blem then this situation can become adverse. As more and more people are graduating and homeless kids are reaching their youth this problem does not seem to be ending. If a homeless person remains jobless and homeless for long period of time then they can become more, dependant, dysfunctional and a burden to a society.It is of utmost importance that some steps must be taken at your earliest to stop ever growing problems of homeless graduates. The first thing is that to enhance their education, bring awareness about hazards of drugs and alcohol, brining health awareness, awareness about exercising and methods to become more useful. The most important point is that they must participate in any type of activities. Like communal activities, sports activities and volunteer their time in supporting others with handicap. If a person can become a useful individual of a society in any form then it will be a spiritual satisfaction and a peace of mind for both the individual and the s ociety.ReferencesYesilonis, Bryan. (2007) Report on Homelessness. Retrieved from Families Program, USA. Retrieved from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Dentist: Dentistry and Dental School
Dentists There are many different careers out there. Dentistry is a career that requires more training than others. There is a wide variety of different specialties that one can do in dentistry, but the majority of dentists are general practitioners. On average, general dentists in South Carolina make about $137,400 a year (Dentists). In order to become a dentist in South Carolina, you are required to graduate and attain a dentistry license. Dentists must be able to do different tasks throughout the day and work with many people.To become a dentist, one must attend dental school which usually takes four years beyond undergraduate college. You may graduate with a degree as a doctor of dental surgery or a doctor of dental medicine. The admittance requirements for dental school vary based on each school. Some of the more common requirements include: at least three or four years of college and at least a GPA of 3. 5 (Dental Schools Ranked by GPA). It is not mandatory to have a Bachelor o f Science degree, however, it is encouraged.Some dental schools require you to take certain science classes such as, chemistry (organic, inorganic and biochemistry), mathematics, physics, biology, and psychology. Before you apply to a dental school, you must pass the Dental Admission Test. The DAT measures your scientific knowledge, reading comprehension, and reasoning skills. After graduating from dental school, you have the option of specialty training. Specialty training is offered at many schools and normally takes about two more years beyond dental school. About one-fourth to one-third of new graduates enroll in postgraduate training programs to prepare for a dental specialty†(Henderson). Some dental school graduates start out working as associates for established dentists. They usually work for them for about a year or two while gaining experience. Others purchase or open up a practice immediately after graduation. Many aspiring dentists also receive additional experien ce by working in clinics affiliated with the school. Another way dental school students may receive experience would be through internship.While interning for a practice, they are able to get used to the physical demands and everyday tasks of a dentist. Dentists should be trained to offer a wide variety of professional services. They should be able to aid gum inflammation, tooth decay, chipped, infected or broken teeth. It is important for a dentist to be able to stand and keep their hand steady for a long period of time. They must â€Å"develop a gentle touch†for the comfort of their patient (Field). This gentle touch will also help them when they have to perform root canals, remove teeth, or corrective surgery on the gums.They should also be able to determine the difference between shades of color and brightness. Dentists are exposed to diseases and infections carried by patients on a daily basis. For this reason, it is important for them to wear protective gear when worki ng. I researched this career because I hope to become a Pediatric Dentist someday. I plan on going to college and majoring in psychology and biology and then going to dental school. My uncle is a dentist and has inspired me to become one. He is very successful and loves his job. Hopefully one day I can become successful and love my job just like my uncle.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Landslides essays
Landslides essays Causing $1-2 billion in damages and more than 25 deaths per year, landslides are a major geologic hazard, caused by earthquakes and floods. Although, landslides are generally not as exciting or costly as earthquakes, major floods, tropical storms, and other natural disasters, they occur in more expanded places and may cause more property damage than any other geologic hazards. A wide variety of ground movements, such as rock falls, slope failure, and shallow debris flows can classify landslides. When a portion of a hill slope cannot support its own weight a landslide will occur. When rainfall or some other water source increases the water content of the slope the weakness is irritated, reducing the strength of the materials. Although gravity acting upon an increased slope is the main reason for a landslide, there are other elements that contribute to its cause. Loud sounds that occur during an earthquake also cause landslides. Erosion caused by rivers, glaciers, or ocean waves create oversteepened slopes. Heavy rains and melting snow weaken rock and soil slopes. Furthermore, vibrations from machinery, traffic, and even thunder may trigger failure of weak slopes. Excess water can run through slope material and can cause a debris flow or mud flow. The rock and mud left over after a landslide may pick up anything in its path, such as trees, hous es, and cars, causing bridges and tributaries to become blocked which causes flooding throughout its path. Even though, the natural cause of most landslides is unable to be stopped, geologic investigations, good engineering practices and effective enforcement of land-use management regulations can cut back landslide danger. Landslides effect every state in the United States territory. The Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Coastal Ranges and few parts of Alaska and Hawaii have intense landslide problems. USGS marine scientists have recently identified...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Selective pick of a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Selective pick of a topic - Essay Example er reality you are facing for a little time, and then course book reading obviously enable you to pass the course and help you get entered into the new standard. The writer of the readable material you consider has a very significant role in the choosing of your reading material as well. I remember when I was 14; I was anxiously waiting for a novel to get published by my favorite writer Naseem Hijazi. But when it came in my market my friend told me that the novel was not that much good at the expectations we had and the market response was very nil towards it. I decided not to read it but to buy another writer’s book. But sooner I got into the shop I bought my favorite writer’s novel and read the whole 623 pages just because that was written by my favorite writer. The novel’s name was â€Å"Aakhri Chitan†and was written on the history of Muslims rulers when they conquered sub-continent and is about the era of Changez khan and Tataris. Reading pushes you in the world of fantasy and enables you to imagine the objects you read. Imagination is a very good facet that leads you to motivation and courage to do any diffi cult task you come across in your
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Review 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Review 4 - Essay Example The warehouses can be an essential when it comes to improving the customer service if done properly. The challenges that, however, have an association with warehouse design, its techniques in building and technology, are challenging (Grakin, 2010). There are fixed costs in everything involved in the construction of conveyors to racks, directed picking systems to forklifts and other systems in a warehouse. Employee training is also a challenge and challenges concerning productivity make warehouse management a very difficult and expensive business. A warehouse has its advantages and disadvantages. It can either speed up your business or slow it down altogether. It is, therefore, necessary to search for more flexible designs for warehouse or look for other solutions to goods storage. The primary drivers of the logistics network design are usually an effort for the company to reduce costs and also to improve the services the manufacturers offer to the customers or distributor. The right design for the networks optimizes distribution operations, transportation, and inventory investment to have a balance between service cost and the service they offer. The design of a perfect warehouse is a very complicated affair that most people always get wrong. The major issue is managing the myriad details, which usually has the complication of the fact that the designs are never the same for any warehouses regardless of them being of the same organization. The process is exhausting, but can have a two simple part division of location and design. The selection process should be done by realizing that a warehouse location has the primary function of getting a company/organization close to its customers. The companies should also decide whether a stand-alone warehouse or complem enting an existing network with a new warehouse or replacing another warehouse was necessary (Harrington, 2007). Companies should, therefore, base the location decisions
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Recording music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Recording music - Essay Example Technology has today simplified the work in the music industry. It is easier for a producer to produce high-quality music without the use of instruments. Music producers in most cases are competent composers or songwriters who can constantly inject new ideas into a project (Landy, 2013). He or she will often select and suggest to the mixing engineer what to record, edits and modifies the songs with software tools. This creates a stereo of all the artists’ voices and instruments to produce a high-quality soundtrack. The composers must be, therefore, communicative and meaningful in their music. She talked about Nyman’s process music, an audible or concealed process to the listeners. This is a very dynamic and highly complex process that involves audible structures in musical performance. The chance determination limits the composer’s powers in determining the materiality. This means that one can take an idea, put it through the process and wait for the outcome, which the ideas will generate by itself (Nyman, 2000). The process gives the performers a chance to move through the suggested or given material at their speed, useful for the in-depth understanding of the whole idea.It also helps in the detailed understanding of what was not understood during the first listening thus making recording more relevant. The presenter also encouraged the use of technology to capture or record musical ideas with an aim of repeated listening to manipulate, recreate, recycle and cannibalize these ideas in order to produce quality stereo.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Answers to Prompt Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Answers to Prompt Questions - Essay Example However, the idea of Plato that knowledge is inclined more on the non-sensible Forms contradicts his own metaphysical claim that Forms would depend upon the interpretation of the philosopher’s works. According to Irwin (154), Plato’s epistemological claim states that â€Å"these Forms are inaccessible to the senses.†While Plato expressed that his metaphysical claim is â€Å"the Form of F has properties that no sensible F can have.†However, according to Silverman, epistemology is about the acquisition of knowledge and what knowledge is (Silverman). On the other hand, metaphysics is anything which can be thought and said to be. One cannot fully endorse Plato’s theory of Forms as there are difference in interpretations and opinions of the said work. Not all knowledge is being considered as knowledge by the philosopher. It is only those people who have philosophical thoughts or the non-sensible ideas which are being considered as knowledgeable. This p roposition does not apply to those who are exerting more on their physical capabilities. Acquiring skills can still be considered as knowledgeable by other people or group of thinkers, but not Plato. The idea quite discriminate skill workers which are very much part of the society especially with regards to the economic and workforce aspect. Though what the skilled are doing is sensible, their actions are still knowledge because they are thinking what to do next on a systematic manner. In this aspect, the famous line â€Å"I think, therefore I am†by Rene Descartes can come into context (Irwin, 148-55; Silverman; Russell, 516). Plato makes people seem that knowledge is unachievable which is contradicted by Descartes. According to the latter, there is no perfect knowledge. If the idea proposed by Descartes would be considered, one can be considered knowledgeable without the need to measure up to forms or criterions. Descartes may not have proven to everyone the existence of Go d; however, he had proclaimed its existence in his works. The author stated that the knowledge which a person acquires is from a supreme being, which is God. This is supported by the statement: But after I have discovered that God exists, seeing I also at the same time observed that all things depend on him, that he is no deceiver, and thence inferred that all which I clearly and distinctly perceive is of necessity true: although I no longer attend to the grounds of a judgment, no opposite reason can be alleged sufficient to lead me to doubt of its truth, provided only I remember that I once possessed a clear and distinct comprehension of it. (Descartes & Veitch, 109) There might be no concrete evidence to prove the existence of God. Nevertheless, knowing within the self that a supreme being exists is enough to convince the self and preach about its existence or truthfulness to others. Though there is neither a concrete fact nor a distinct indication of God’s existence, Desca rtes proposed his readers to meditate and reach within the self to be freed from the doubt that is covering them from recognizing the presence of a higher power. In most if not all of the writings attributed to Descartes, there is always an indication towards the existence and acknowledgement to the things created and attributed to the power and creation of God as the Supreme Being and higher power (Russell, 515-20; Descartes & Veitch, 103-10). There will always be people who would be skeptic upon the idea of God’
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Problems with air pollution in Manila
Problems with air pollution in Manila In Manila there are a lot of problems with air pollution, hygiene practices and the lack of good sanitation. These are the most important hygiene and health related risks in the Philippines. One-sixth of all deaths in the Philippines and approximately 6,000 premature deaths a year are because of hygiene, water-borne diseases and poor sanitation conditions. Diarrhea is the most common water-borne disease, then intestinal worms, typhoid, and cholera. These diseases are very common because more than 25 million Filipinos do not have a basic access to sanitation and more than 13 million do not have proper water resources. Thanks to the water pollution the costs increases, which led to more than 6.7 billion in 2006. Air pollution makes this even worse, and therefore it is another big issue. The most common diseases are chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and cardiovascular diseases. And this is not going away soon, the city has a lot of factors which increases this. Like the smoke the vehicles leave behind, but also something small like tobacco smoke. The people who clean the city, which are more than 18 million people, are the biggest victims of this air pollution All the costs of treatment and lost income, due to air pollution, is more than 7.6 billion per year. Although there have been some improvements in alleviating diseases from the lack of hygiene and air pollution, which is thanks the governments more pro-active attempt for the environmental role in health, it is still a major problem. There should be more easy-to-access information on different methods and also more improvements in health infrastructure, such as good sanitation facilities and a healthy water resource to prevent health risks from water pollution. The government is now busy with discouraging people to use vehicles with high smoke emissions. Which is a big factor in air pollutions Quick Facts 2005 Population growth (annual %) 1.87 Population, total (millions) 85.50 Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71.05 Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births) 27.50 GNI (current US$) (millions) 98535 GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) 1160.0 Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49) . These are the Ten Leading Causes of Illness in the Philippines 1. Acute Lower RTI and Pneumonia 2. Bronchitis/ Bronchiolitis 3. Acute Watery Diarrhea. Influenza 5. Hypertension 6. TB Respiratory 7. Pneumonia 8. Diseases of the Heart 9. Malaria 10.Dengue Fever The most common diseases: degree of risk: high food or waterborne diseases: bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever vectorborne diseases: dengue fever, malaria, and Japanese encephalitis water contact disease: leptospirosis Of these diseases almost all of them are caused by the hygiene. Habitat A lot of conflicts are also because of their habitat, and what they are seen like. Because people cannot get easy higher up. The biggest one and the most known one is the Payatas The poorest families live on the Filipinos and collect trash of the dump. One of the dump places is Payatas, on the edge of Manilla. Where 4500 ton waste is dumped every day. More than 30.000 people, also children, live on this dump. Through day and night trucks are coming in and out with lots of garbage. This garbage consists of (operation) waste, from hospitals. It is not difficult to conclude that a lot of people get sick because of all the bacteria and germs that are produced by the garbage. Because of all the garbage that is dumped, the hill keeps getting bigger and bigger. This happens through the chemical processes who are caused by the scalding and joining together of substances. Around the dump there is a big haze which you can see on a very large distance. For most of the inhabitants of the Payates there is no other option than to work on the dump. More than 400 families collect garbage to support their family. Children from already a young age help with collection plastic, empty cans and other stuff which helps to produce some money. In short Payatas means a big hill with stinking garbage and a source for the incomes of hundreds of families Sanitation More than 2.6 billion people in the world have one thing in common, which is; they do not have good access to basic sanitation. Worldwide, there are about 1.7 million deaths a year, with 90% of them being children, who died mainly through infectious diarrhea. Which was caused by unsafe water, poor sanitation and hygiene. 1.5 million children a year could be saved by access to sanitation, good hygiene and a safe water supply A good sanitation will reduce children illnesses and so increase primary school enrolment, because children will not miss as much as used to be. Also it will increase the productivity among adults, it will provide more safety for women and also reduce the pollution of water resources. Fortunately it is increasing, in only 14 years more than 1 billion people have received access to sanitation. Sanitation and wastewater commitments have effectively tripled since 1990 and after that nearly doubled since 2002. Less than half of the Latin American countries are on track to double the rate of sanitation provision. Poor sanitation is responsible for at least 9 billion in losses per year in Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam combined. Sanitation is a neglected aspect of development in countries, the money going to this is minor. If you look to the economic impacts of poor sanitation, and the potential gains from improved sanitation, than the investments in sanitation should be very helpful for everyone The most disastrous impact of poor sanitation is an increased risk of infectious diseases and premature death, declaring for more than 4.8 billion annually. Poor sanitation also contributes enormously to water pollution, adding to the costs of safe freshwater for homes, and increasing the production of fish in lakes and rivers. Garbage and streets Garbage is a big problem for the communities in Manila. In the past years, Smokey Mountain, once a smoking mountain of garbage, which was Manilas monument to one of the citys most continuously problems; trash. But through years of effort, Smokey Mountain has been increased to a big hill. Still the problem goes on: What to do with the amount of garbage produced by more than 10 million residents of Manila every. In Dagat-Dagatan, Navotas, a group of women has taken the matter, of the communitys garbage, into their own hands through the Metropolitan Environmental Improvement Program (MEIP). The MEIP is a regional program for Asia with the costs provided by the United Nations Development Program and the World Bank as collaboration partner. Through the funding received by the local Dagat-Dagatan Polymedic Medical Foundation, the women of the Dagat-Dagatan community established a community centre; the Zero Kalat sa Kaunlaran (Zero Waste for Progress), which is turning the garbage of their neighbourhoods into cash and opportunity. To eliminate the extausion of diseases, the foundation launched a program within the community to spread ecological waste management, set up a recycling system and a redemption centre, and continue with the maintenance of sanitation and hygiene in every household. The women, who are called volunteers but are actually members of a co-op. They first collect all the garbage, then sort it out at the community centre, and recycle almost all of it. Their recycling efforts take many forms. Some of the refuse is used in woven baskets and handbags, which the women sell for profit. But also some is sold to scrap metal dealers and to companies that recycle plastics and corrugated cardboard. The effort is actually more than a business for these women. They come together in the morning and exercise before starting the work of that day. They chat as they wash the water bottles and chat when they are on their way to the recycler. They have planted flowers and grass around the community and next year they will begin composting the scraps and clippings they collect to produce another marketable product. A women had admitted that this centre has changed her life. I was fascinated to see how the women managed to make money out of what people throw away, said Mats Karlsson, World Bank vice president for External Affairs and UN Affairs, who was visiting the women at the redemption centre. Karlsson, who was in the Philippines for the current Manila Social Forum, took some time visiting nearby projects. I was especially impressed by their motto: Kung hindi tayo, sino? which means in english, If not us, then who?' Drinking water Bottled water has established a major foothold in the Philippines. In some places, there are no piped-water systems; in others, people are not sure about biological contaminants, taste, odor, and the disinfection by-products from the chlorination process. Even in the Manila, only about 75% of the population receives piped water from the municipal authority. Outside Manila even fewer people have access to healthy water distribution. In both locations, these people must find alternative water sources if they want to avoid cholera epidemics and other health problems caused by the only water that is available in their neighborhoods. There is already a solution appearing, and now happening in thousands of water refilling. The shops began as private community sources, where consumers went with their containers to fill them up for a per-gallon fee, which was a small part of commercially bottled water costs. Most stores deliver home for regular customers nowadays. Most of those shops produce between 3,000 and 12,000 liters of water per day. Everything of the supply comes from the pipes of municipal concessionaires. The executives invests in treatment equipment and further purify their product before they sale it. Other shops are likely supplied by unauthorized or illegal diggings. A production of these private sources could have damaging effects on the groundwater reserves and will lead to contamination. The government has accepted private water shops, because of the increasing of waterborne diseases, but they do monitor their quality control practices and final product as much as they can. However, it is difficult to continuously keep an eye on the entire industry, given the large number of shops. Although many people in the Philippines benefit from the availability of water shops, the system does not really account the long-term water delivery and sanitation infrastructure improvements, which are necessary to provide reliable water to everyone. A lot of people do not live near a source of water. Distribution systems take the water from a source and deliver it to people who use it. They use different distribution systems which are depending on the needs of the people and the amount of infrastructure available. All of these systems have a risk of contaminating water when it is not handled properly. Every system has a cost involved to bring safe and reliable water to people. HouseholdpService In the larger cities of the world, it is standard that there is water pumped from a natural source, which is treated in a water treatment plant, stored for use in water storage tanks and then piped directly into every household. The cost of household service, which is the delivery, treatment for this water, but also the upkeep of this system is usually paid by its consumers. If the infrastructure is not maintained good, household service can become unreliable and result as possibly unsafe. WaterjSupply by Vehicle In a lot of areas, the plumbing in households is unreliable or non-existent. In these areas other distribution systems are developing. For instance in the Mexico City are, more than 2 million people live to far from piped distribution systems. For these people, water trucks transport water from the piped distribution systems directly to their home. Those water trucks can also be used to combat when there is natural disaster or a temporary water crises caused by war. BottledlWater and Water Refilling Stations Bottled water or water refilling stations are used in many areas where people have no access to clean water. In the Philippines, clean water is sold at water refilling stations throughout the whole country. At these stations, consumers may bring their own containers with them, to carry the water back home. The poor are the ones that are the most depending on vehicle delivery, bottled water, and water refilling stations. Unfortunately, the poor also need to pay the highest price for the water that is being delivered by such methods. CentrallCommunity Source In the rural areas almost no household infrastructure exists, so the communities dig wells and bore holes, and then they can pump groundwater to a central location in the community. From these central community sources, consumers collect water themselves and bring it back home for treatment and then use. In rural Niger, solar pumps and hand pumps were installed by the international aid organizations at central locations within villages. These pumps provide easier access to clean water without having to dig up water from traditional wells. These water stations are used by the community and also, in most cases, maintained and controlled by the community. Individual WaterlTransport Most people, especially in the rural areas of developing countries, have to walk to a lake, river, or other water sources and put the water in containers. This water is brought back home and, but needs treatment before use. In comparison to other methods, this distribution system is the simplest solution . But it does involves costs. Water gatherers, women and children are spending hours each day being busy with this basic chore. This responsibility leaves them to little time for good schooling, earning any income, crowing food, or any other things that will help them live without poverty. It does not matter on which location the distribution systems are they need to have some form of infrastructure that must be maintained to keep the water safe and healthy. And while all distribution systems involve costs, somelcosts can be more expensive than others. STIs What is a STI? STI is the abbreviation of sexually transmitted infection. STIs are contagious, and it is possible an infected person has not noticed yet before passing the infection on to its sexual partner without noticing. Luckily, serious consequences can be prevented when the victim is treated in time. Some examples of STIs are HIV (the virus that can cause AIDS), chlamydia, genital warts, genital herpes, gonorrhoea, hepatitis B, and syphilis. STIs can be transmitted through infected sperm and vaginal fluid. Second, people can also get an STI through infected blood, for example due to unhygienic tattooing and piercing, unhygienic needles etc. with using drugs, and babies can be infected during the pregnancy or birth. Third, STIs can be transmitted due to the contact between mucous membranes (in the rectum, penis, vagina, and mouth). And last, and probably best known, unprotected sex is dangerous because of an easy transmission of STIs. There are some myths about the transmission of STIs. So lets get rid of them forever. STIs cannot be transmitted through drinking out of another persons cup, someones cough, insect bites, a dirty toilet seat, and in a swimming pool. HIV/AIDS Since the start of 2009 every month approximately 60 Filipinos are diagnosed as an HIV positive. But this rose sharply to 126 cases in December. If this will not stop, the number will increase rapidly. And in three years the number of people in the Philippines with HIV/AIDS will be 30,000. In January 2010 143 people were diagnosed with HIV in the Philippines. This was the highest number reported since the disease first appeared in the country, in 1984. Most of the cases in January were males, who were infected by sexual contact with men. Since 1984 the Philippines has had 4,424 cases of HIV reported, of these cases 832 have been developed into full-blown AIDS and 314 deaths had been reported. Also among children the HIV infection is increasing as never before. The infection among 15-24 year old Filipinos has increased with five times, from 41 in 2007 to 218.
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